You Need To Admire And Respect The “Campus Protests”

The most important takeaway from the “campus protests”? That colleges are radicalizing, versus educating, young adults? NO, NO, NO. Anybody paying the slightest bit of attention already knew that colleges have been indoctrinating Woke-Communism for, not years, but decades. That’s yesterday’s news as in last century’s news. No, the most important takeaway is how organized … Read more

The Campus “Protesters” Are Nazis, Not Marxists

I have seen and heard the campus “protesters” described as Marxists. They are NOT. They are actually their own manifestation of socialism (which I call Woke-Communism), but if the choice is limited to Marxist and Nazi … the far better descriptive is Nazi. I will explain why.

Tank war

College Campuses, Warmongering, and #MeToo

There are three main takeaways from 2023. Higher education, especially among the Ivy Leagues and other “elite” colleges, continues to be revealed for what it has become: a bloated, tenured-protected, and indoctrinating mess.