
Not Another Free Cellphone Until Every Veteran Has A Home

It has been challenging to watch the U.S. Government fawn over the millions of illegal immigrants who have forged the dangerous currents of the Rio Grande to break through our backdoor. A swag bag is waiting for each with a cell phone, debit cards, and a trip anywhere they want to go in the lower 48. Did I mention these people are illegal?

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Our Veterans Deserve Better

We have a volunteer military, and the men and women who opt to serve deserve our thanks, but so much more. Whether they choose the military as a career or put their job on pause while they spend a few years in service, we are all indebted to these special people who put their love … Read more

homelessness in manchester nh

Mayor Craig: Heartless and Hypocritical

Mayor Craig clearly showed the homeless of Manchester that she is Heartless and a Hypocrite. Her actions over the weekend in regards to the homeless camp on Canal Street were both stunning and contradictory to her comments about other homeless encampments in Manchester.

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Denver Homeless

On Homelessness and Hypocrisy

So the burning issue in #nhpolitics today was Sununu cleaning up an illegal tent-city outside the courthouse in downtown Manchester: Joyce Craig was not the only Democrat hysterical about Sununu “evicting” (showing your bias again, Kevin Landrigan?) the homeless. There are myriad examples, but they essentially all say the same thing, so let’s look at … Read more

Everything you need except…Space.

Tiny House WMUR tweetWMUR has a Tweet-up about an episode of chronicle on Tiny Houses. “It’s Everything you need in 300 square feet.”  Sure, except for a few thousand more square feet.

No, I’m not opposed to anyone choosing to live like this. Whatever works for you. And hey, maybe it’s an excellent alternative to renting if you rent one or buying if you buy. It certainly adds a whole new dimension to the phrase “starter house.”

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Snob Zoning Supersedes Human Needs

Homeless LAThe tiny backyard houses for the homeless plan that failed in Oregon is popping up in Los Angeles, California!

The “not in my backyard” organized zoning NAZI’s fought long and hard, for decades, to control other people’s property and rights. Don’t think they are going to relinquish that kind of control easily.

The idea of zoning is to protect property values – most often for the class of people who buy and sell their residential property for profit.

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If the economy is getting better…(Part 4)

…then why is the percentage of Americans living in “extreme poverty” at an all-time high?

Extreme Poverty at an all time high in the obama economy
Extreme Poverty at an all time high in the obama economy

Nothing says economic recovery like rising poverty.  Not just poverty but extreme poverty.  What, you hadn’t heard about that?

Then maybe you hadn’t heard this either.  Joblessness begets dependence, begets poverty, begets slaves to the will of the government.  Big brother doesn’t have to spy on you, he’s controlling your income.  If that isn’t a clear enough map how about this one.

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