fantasy-fairy tale girl book bear

Eight in Los Angeles Charged With Election Fraud

Another Democrat fairy tale – remember this sort of fraud thing doesn’t happen in the real world – comes to life in Los Angeles where eight people have been charged with election fraud. Using cash and cigarettes as lures, the defendants approached homeless people on skid row and asked them to forge signatures on state … Read more

ICE Enforcement Sweep Nets 122 in Faux Sanctuary City of Los Angeles

Immigration Control and Enforcement (ICE) just spent the week sweeping through Los Angeles scooping up criminal aliens and citing business who hire them for violating federal law. No sanctuary for you. Federal deportation officers staged one of the biggest enforcement actions in years against businesses in Los Angeles this week, arresting 212 people and serving … Read more

And the Los Angeles School Board provides a great example for the tweet Steve found

The decision comes less than three weeks after KPCC published two-year-old internal emails that raised questions about whether Superintendent John Deasy’s meetings and discussions with Apple and textbook publisher Pearson influenced the school district’s historic $500 million technology contract. And that tweet would be this one: As the state has increasingly infringed on our privacy, it has increasingly … Read more

“Battle: Los Angeles” TERRIFIC movie!

These scummy, low-life aliens come from outer space, they wannna try ta wipe us out and steal our water, right? Oh yeah? Ain’t got a chance. There’s a reason they call the U.S. Marines "America’s 911". Watch Bill Whittle’s review of this new, patriotically subversive movie HERE. Based on Whittle’s review, I saw it yesterday. Great edge-of-your-seat movie! Invading aliens! Humans … Read more

Without The Right To Know What Government Is Doing You Lose Everything

The Manchester Paper has an article about their Freedom of Information request for the names of illegal aliens caught by ICE in NH. They list these fine fellows in the article: 1. Jesus Ascencio-Rodriguez, of Manchester . He stated to ICE officials he entered the U.S. from Mexico illegally without inspection at an unknown location … Read more

“Feel so lost, desperation…Sanctuary”

. Times are tough, frustrationNeed relief, medicationGone to far, intoxicationFight the urge, of temptationMiles ago, no destinationIs a real, hallucinationLose the dream, of stagnationFeel so lost, desperationSanctuarySanctuarySanctuarySanctuary . That, of course, is the opening verse of the J Geils Band’s hit from several decades ago, "Sanctuary." No, the song nor the group has had any … Read more

Israel – Ongoing links, memes, and commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

The War on Children

In American society today, we are seeing a “War on our Children.”   This is an orchestrated attempt by “Big Tech” to gain control of our children’s minds and hearts, and they have been doing an excellent job so far. Smartphones are their weapon.


Night Cap: Industry Fraud Brings Down Boeing Planes

Recurrent airline accidents involving Boeing jets have triggered both public alarm and government scrutiny. Despite assurances that manufacturing safeguards would be improved following two high-profile Boeing plane accidents in 2018 and 2019 that caused the deaths of 346 people, recent whistleblower revelations of a “broken safety culture” at the company have prompted ire from federal … Read more