Illegal Alien Air – ICE to Fly Illegals to California Three Times Per Week (Until Further Notice)

Overwhelmed border areas in Texas will get some relief. Border Patrol plans to begin flying “families” from these places where Democrats claim there is no crisis to the Sanctuary State of California. 

Related: NH Democrats Vote to Give Illegal Aliens Drivers’ Licenses

They will be processed in San Diego and more than likely released into the loving embrace of the local population.

The flights are the latest sign of how the Border Patrol is struggling to keep up with large numbers of Central American families that are reaching the U.S. border with Mexico, especially in Texas. Moving migrants to less crowded places is expected to distribute the workload more evenly.

Flights from Texas’ Rio Grande Valley to San Diego were to begin Friday and continue indefinitely three times a week, with each flight carrying 120 to 135 people, said Douglas Harrison, the Border Patrol’s interim San Diego sector chief.

Don’t get jealous. Given the numbers, Border Patrol is also considering flights to places like Miami, Detroit, and even Buffalo New York. 

Once there, for processing, they will need to be distributed to Liberal Sanctuary cities, where they can get “high-paying” “Green jobs” picking up the human feces left behind on city streets by Homeless Americans.

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