I have several readers who send me news-related articles on a daily basis. Some of them funny, many of them concerning the shifting political winds and typically all of them bent toward conservatism.
The “Putin Is Hitler” Argument Is … STUPID
Excellent piece on Real Clear Politics (a Hugh Hewitt interview of David Sacks) showing the stupidity of the “Putin is Hitler” argument. Let me add a couple of points. Anyone who has done even a cursory examination of the relevant history knows that Hitler always intended to engage in a war of conquest in the … Read more
Your Periodic Reminder That We’re At War With Russia To Profit Blackrock
Who really runs this country? Blackrock. Nobody capable of independent-thought and even a cursory knowledge of history believes the Putin-is-Hitler-and-we-have-to-stop-him-before-he-conquers-the-whole-world fairy tale that is used to try to justify America’s proxy-war against Russia in the Ukraine. This is Blackrock’s war. This is the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about: A vital element in … Read more
The J21 Insurrection
Don’t try this if you have an “R” after your name. The Gestapo … oops! I mean the FBI … will arrest you and your family and friends, in a predawn raid carried live on CNN and MSNBC and replayed endlessly, while the Regime-media and the useful idiots pretending to be Rs, like former Attorney … Read more
Bananas: FBI Announces New Elite Storm Trooper Units
In an attempt to stay ahead of the rapidly advancing race wars and other social unrest they’ve been planning, the F.B.I. has announced the development of two new elite units called the Storm Troopers.
Chris “Dozen More Donuts” Christie Is An Idiot
Putin is Hitler! Putin is Hitler! Putin is Hitler! If you don’t support the West’s war on Russia on behalf of Blackrock/Chase/etc. then you support Hitler! That is Chris Christie’s justification for pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into waging war on Russia on behalf of the globalist behemoths and the military industrial complex: NO, … Read more
Joe Biden Looking More And More Like Hitler By The Day
Check out Herr Biden shaking and screaming about “beat[ing] Pharma” at a recent rally. If Herr Biden really believed that, then the 25th Amendment should be invoked immediately. No administration in history has been a bigger tool for Big Pharma than the Biden-Regime.
If You’re Not Worried About The Political Response To COVID You Need to Reread Nazi History
I don’t often find myself quoting liberal writers (in a positive light), but it happens if they are correct. Not as uncommon as Haley’s comet but infrequent, and this is one of those times.
They Could Be Twins: Comparing the Current Rise of the American Left With the Rise of the Nazis in Germany
We’ve spent no small amount of time pointing out how the left is fascist and as required, they are projecting that on their political opponents (enemies). But Steve McCann at American Thinker went one better. He has a point-by-point comparison that should not surprise anyone but a Registered Democrat.
“You Better Start Freaking-Waking Up This November!”
What seems obvious to those of us who wade around in the swamp all the livelong day may not yet have penetrated the collective consciousness of many average Americans – that these goings-on are neither random nor incidental.
The Left and the Rise of Marxism
Is it a case of ordained fate we cannot escape or is it that We the People are too dense to learn from our own mistakes? Paging through humanity’s history, time, and again we find numerous instances of costly mistakes where people ignore facts and reason by entrusting their lives to a “savior.”
The obligatory Hitler finds out that COVID-19 won’t stop Trump from being re-elected
Yes, the ubiquitous Hitler in the Bunker – there are lots of them on all kinds of issues. This one, however, takes a smack at lots of things and people. Best line attributed by Hitler on Nancy Pelosi: “She can’t even keep her dentures in”: Heh!
The Left’s History of Bigotry
The Left’s History of Bigotry is long and deep. Socialists and leftists generally claim they support equality and diversity. Sounds great doesn’t it? It’s part of virtue signaling in this age of political correctness.
Hitler: “How and by What Means is Capitalism to be Eliminated?”
Paul H. Jossey, writing at Medium.com, notes accurately that, The Nazis Were Leftists, Deal With It.’ And so they were. National Socialism was socialism. Hitler, himself, thought it the better sort than the others.
Education Worship: When Anything is Made an End in itself it Becomes a False God
America is engaged in education worship. When anything is made an end in itself it becomes a false god. All things must be a means to achieving goodness. Why else should people exist? Sometimes we lack wisdom or perhaps we lose perspective. Today we seem to be doing that with education.
Life Hacks: Understanding What “Civility” and “Incivility” Mean to the Left
Somewhere among the nearly 12,000 published items that I have added to these pages are words similar to those I am about to share. But it is important that you understand this as we wade into whatever happens from now until November and beyond.
Steve’s right so I’ll just leave this here for day dreaming…
That would be this from Steve: We’ve no reason to believe their run of bad luck will stop nor the predictions that make it possible. The byproduct of decades worth of socialist sympathizers (and actual socialists) pushing socialist solutions to advance socialism in the name of saving the planet (but not from socialism). Which is … Read more
Is The Entire Democrat Party Putin’s “Manchurian Candidate”?
Published in 1959, The Manchurian Candidate is a story about “the son of a prominent U.S. political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy.” Ever since it has also been something Democrats call Republicans. Yes, that’s projection.
“Chairman” Buckley Libels GOP Mayoral Candidate … Press Looks The Other Way
This: “[C]ompletely erase the existence of” suggests that Victoria Sullivan supports something on the magnitude of Auschwitz and Treblinka, which … needless to say … has no basis in reality but rather represents the ranting of a lunatic who sees people who do not agree with his political views as Hitlerian. Lunacy like this from … Read more
Call Them Nazi’s – That’ll Stop ‘Em!
Local politics is fun. Heavy emphasis on the sarcasm, really heavy. A letter to the editor in tomorrow’s Monadnock Ledger-Transcript (sound familiar?) likens me and my petition to Abolish the Planning Board to nazi governance. Clever! Funny though, that the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript’s policy on LTE’s requires that they be of “general interest and in good … Read more