America is engaged in education worship. When anything is made an end in itself it becomes a false god. All things must be a means to achieving goodness. Why else should people exist? Sometimes we lack wisdom or perhaps we lose perspective. Today we seem to be doing that with education.
We are treating it as money has been treated at times in the past. Money like education is neither good nor bad in and of itself. Doesn’t its use matter much more? Aren’t they best when they are a means to a higher end?
A lot of people do regard money as an end in and of itself. They devote their entire life to the acquisition of it. But even people who live for money rarely claim money is worth living for. In the end, it is an inanimate object, useful in trade though it may be. Most do not believe it is a worthy and noble thing to live for. For most isn’t it a means to an end as opposed to the end in and of itself?
Will it lead to good or evil results?
Money like education when removed from goodness can lead to evil. Vast numbers of people today worship education. They sincerely believe education itself makes people better. But is that true? When education is separated from goodness it has no moral impact. We don’t think about it, but education like money can actually make people worse. It can do harm.
Let’s take an example from history. Who supported Hitler? Do you know? Was it the rabble, the unwashed masses or was it erudite? Professor Peter Merkl did a study. He found Germans with high school educations or higher were more likely to be anti-Semitic than their less-educated brethren. Max Weinreich too has written on the subject in his book “Hitler’s Professors.”
Today in America and around the world universities are the center of Israel-hatred. American universities were founded largely to teach theology, the arts and sciences. Moral education was deemed the most important form of education. Why?
Separation of religion from education
Since the mid-twentieth century education has been divorced from religion. The result is we have a high percentage of secular intellectuals. What do they believe in? Is a moral society important?
In Germany, few intellectuals had the moral insight or strength to take on the rhetoric of Adolph Hitler. Was that a problem? If it was a problem; the problem wasn’t that there weren’t enough educated German people. Germany was among the most highly educated and sophisticated nations. The problem was that there weren’t enough good people. There weren’t enough moral people.
The failure of German Christianity had a horrific result. It was a moral failure of German Christians that made Hitler’s final solution possible. At the same time, the moral failure of secular education and secular intellectuals in Germany is seldom if ever spoken about or debated. Why is that? Do we fear to look in the mirror?
Today in America we are playing with the election a democrat socialist. Hitler was a national socialist. Can you articulate the difference between democrat and nationalist socialists? Have you heard what Bernie’s campaign staff is advocating? America is engaged in education worship. Let’s hope we still have a moral base.