What seems obvious to those of us who wade around in the swamp all the livelong day may not yet have penetrated the collective consciousness of many average Americans – that these goings-on are neither random nor incidental.
Related: Black Mom Takes Maryland Democrat Politicians to the Woodshed on Black Lives
The enlightenment of this population of voters is a problem in search of a solution. How do you get them to see it? Will this help?
That’s brutal and true. All of it. But is it too much truth? Can America see it, or are they still numbed by the biased glow of the corporate media while cowering from the flu?
I’d like to think they are keeping their heads down and their powder dry until November. But the threat of delay and fraud posed from vote-by-mail could undermine any electoral rebellion against the left if it does not make a significant statement at the actual ballot box.
There can be no doubt that vote-by-mail might find a way to overcome.
We need to make it clear that this mob politics is unacceptable, and the only way to do that is to remove its advocates from positions of power in the next available election.
Here in New Hampshire, that includes nearly every democrat in elected office. I can’t speak to all of them, but our congressional delegation, in particular, has failed to denounce the violence. They are ignoring the rule of law, order, and peace because it advances their political agenda.
Since when did that represent the values of New Hampshire?
You don’t have to love the alternative, but you do need to understand this savage truth. These Democrats will look the other way when violence comes to your door if it helps them politically.
If you are comfortable with that, then you deserve whatever happens as a result. Te rest of us need to step up.
Here in New Hampshire, this means removing Kuster, Pappas, Shaheen, and the Democrat majorities in the Executive Council and both chambers of the legislature.
By their silence and inaction, they are complicit in the same tactics of dictators. Those that have openly embraced or endorsed the groups leading the mob are complicit in their acts.
“You Better Start Freaking-Waking Up This November!”
If we fail to secure liberty in this election, we’ll lose it. Not just miss the chance to pry back some small sliver of it but lose it.