This morning we shared news about pressure applied to local universities: Franklin Pierce and UNH (the Franklin Pierce Law school). While Pierce owned no slaves, he was not anti-slavery. He believed the Constitution protected a State’s rights to slavery. For this, some want him canceled.
Another step toward making Indians invisible or irrelevant
OK, Native Americans. As I have said before, I don’t care what the Left’s politically correct / Cultural Marxism demands that I use for my speech – ain’t happening.
NH Democrats Are Gunning for ‘Racist’ Franklin Pierce, But Why Not Just Go All the Way
I’m not sure what they plan to do about his statue in front of the State House, but Franklin Pierce is in danger of being canceled elsewhere in the State. “Both the UNH Franklin Pierce Law School and Franklin Pierce University are receiving pressure to rename themselves.”
NotableQuote – a two-fer by Dan Henninger
Emphasis mine. No Guardrails (paywall, 1993) ..In our time, the United States suffers every day of the week because there are now so many marginalized people among us who don’t understand the rules, who don’t think that rules of personal or civil conduct apply to them, who have no notion of self-control. As the saying … Read more
No, Lord Andrew Cuomo – History will Judge YOU, not Us
According to Andrew Cuomo, the Lord High Governor of New York, history will judge us on how we dealt with the Wuhan flu. He wanted to do everything that he could. Then he played the “ultimate” card: Save one life, and it will all be worth it.
We Are At War To Be ‘We The People’ Again
The Democrats (D’s) want President Donald Trump out of the White House. Every other consideration, even mass starvation or death, seems irrelevant to them. They simply do not care. That’s what the ‘D’ really stands for… DEATH.
Why Is Remembering Important?
Remembering endows history with meaning and significance. George Berkeley wrote in about 1710, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Certainly, this is a philosophical thought experiment. It raises questions about observation and perception.
If CO2 Causes Fires in Australia Why Were There More Fires In 1939?
It’s fun to play trivial pursuit with our liberal friends. They don’t like the questions or the answers, so they call you names and deflect. And unlike the movie Wargames, when it comes to Libs, the only way to win is to keep playing. Take fires, for example.
Blaine Amendments Are Going on Trial
The Blaine Amendments are going on trial. Get ready for one of the most important education-related Supreme Court cases in 50 years: Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue. The case is on the schedule for hearing by the nation’s highest court on January 22, 2020.
Data Point – African Slavery: Distribution
Today’s history seems to be that the US was founded on slavery and only slavery. No other reason. And when one talks to students nowadays, that’s the number one reason why the US is bad.
Hate Thanksgiving: what else would you expect from two generations being taught to hate America?
It is almost a week after Thanksgiving but these kinds of notions and mindsets didn’t arise from nothingness. If they weren’t handed down by their parents (rather doubtful, especially at a “Christian” college, methinks), it’s by our educational system that has taught this self-loathing of one’s own country.
Pilgrims, Indigenous Peoples, And Progressive Reprogramming on Thanksgiving
The rewriting of history is a constant process. One we abet by allowing the State to run an education monopoly. Re-Education camps whose propaganda hit the steroids on College Campuses. One of the most grievous offenses is their reinterpretation of Thanksgiving.
Notable Quote – We’re Screwed
“A generation that doesn’t know history has no past; and no future.”-Robert Heinlein (science fiction writer, author, speaker, and “source for” part of the GraniteGrok name)
Notable Quote – James Buchanan on Socialism
The socialist vision of politicized control-regulation of economic interaction has by no means been exorcised from the modern mind-set despite the evidence from reason or from history.
Prior to 9/11 I Did Not Give a Damn About Politics – What the Hell Happened?
September 11th, 2001, was one of those days when people ask you where you were. I know where I was, but that is less important than where my mind was and where it went. I had questions. The pursuit of answers led me to where I am today.
ICYMI – Right Wing Staffers are Building Social Media Dossiers on Left-Wing Reporters
The media does this thing where they get some intern to scour your internet history for two words placed in the wrong order. Proof you are a [bigot, racist, xenophobe, etc.] which then becomes breaking news. The media can now expect similar treatment.
Patriots… Give Back the Name and the Colors
The New England Patriots haven’t been able to make time to visit the White House since winning the Super Bowl. It does not look like they will so anytime soon. My guess is they will not fit it in their busy schedule at all. But since February they haven’t been able to find a half … Read more
Palate Cleanser – for a few of us, a stroll down memory lane
I recognized a lot of these phones – I owned a few of them. Now, most of the cell phones easily far exceed the capabilities of my early desktop and laptops. (H/T: LIKE COOL)
Winston Churchill once said, “Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Indeed, America’s founders viewed it with suspicion and probably fear as they hemmed ours in on every side, lest the country fall into mob rule. But what is Democracy? Rules of political … Read more
Free Speech… Not Unless We Support and Protect It
Opposition to freedom is as old as time. Historically freedom is the exception, not the norm. Here in America, we institutionalized freedom in our first amendment. Allen C. Guelzo, in his article “Free Speech and Its Present Crisis,” explored the trials and tribulations associated with the First Amendment. Historical Attacks on our freedom… Noteworthy among … Read more