Old Man In The Mountain

Real New Englanders can’t stand new people

If you did a big dig on us “as people” up here, us natives, you’d see that we just have this long history of not liking new people. I read some history over in Vermont one time where they were talking about the differences between NH and VT and the writer told the story about the railroad coming up here and how this was really the beginning of what would become

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Coronavirus and the entrepreneur

Coronavirus and the Entrepreneur … David and Goliath

Michael Crawford is a former Walt Disney Co. executive. Crawford’s future is happy and without masks. It does not have people going out of their way to remain “6 FEET APART.” No more avoiding crowds on the supposition other people are a lethal threat all of the time. In short sanity rules.

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Energy Self-Sufficiency

Joe Biden Flip Flops… Will He or Won’t He Ban Fracking

Joe Biden flip flops… now he says he won’t ban fracking. Maybe he and Kamala should get together. One might think national energy policy would be a topic on which they might want alignment. It is only responsible for what? About 3,000,000 jobs. Joe says yes and Kamala says no. Joe used to say no … Read more


America Fought A War to Free the Slaves

America fought a war to free the slaves about 160 years ago.  A slave is a person in servitude as the chattel of another. A slave is someone that is completely subservient to a dominating influence.  Why would we so willingly give up freedom for a promise of security? Why?

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We Stand for the Flag

We Stand for the Flag

In 1863 at Fort Wagner on Morris Island South Carolina, an American flag was waving. It flew over the head of a black man. His surroundings were acts of injustice, rage, and violence. William Carney wore a uniform tinged with red as he was kneeling in the midst of a green field.

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Scandinavian Socialists

Scandinavian Socialists

During this spring our government has been guilty of massive overreach. The people in charge were so fearful they felt they needed to put restrictions in place. They suspended the U.S. Constitution. Our political leaders would have us believe they needed to ban our freedoms to keep us safe.

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Tearing It Down

Is America About Tearing It Down?

Is America about tearing it down? Our history says we are the best builders… ever. But today, mobs are defacing and tearing down our statues and monuments nationwide. They do so claiming “social justice.” Well, being full of hate has never produced justice.

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Mt Rushmore

So the National Democrat Party believes July 4th = White Supremacy Day?

The Democrats, disguised as Black Lives Matter and other disgruntled rich white kids without a sense of American history and those who just like to destroy other peoples stuff (but I repeat myself), have finally decided to be really open as to what they really think. First, it was just about Confederate soldier statues. Then … Read more

1984 Thought crimes

“Those who erase history have no past – and no future.”

Over at Weekend Pundit, DCE has a proper observation of the NOW in politics (emphasis mine): Seeing the increasing attack upon history by overly-sensitive know-nothings, I am dismayed at the level of ignorance being displayed by those wishing to erase history. They have been convinced that 17th, 18th, 19th, and early/mid 20th century historical figures must be … Read more

Let’s move forward, not in circles

Driving home from PorcFest this evening, I noticed that on I-91, Vermont has combined traditional exit numbers with the new distance-based exit numbers mandated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).  For example, one of the exits is marked Exit 18/Milepoint Exit 120.  This seemed like a nice way to combine the old and the new.

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Progressives erasing history5

Seems apt today….

Bruce Currie, former Government School teacher, approves of erasing history and substituting Communist ideology instead. After all, being a Bernie-Bro AND all of his comments over the years here at GraniteGrok pretty much backs up that assertion. Whereas, the rest of us want our history on display – especially the Civil War era as it … Read more

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