Socialism in Denmark

Socialism has failed across the world everywhere it has been tried. From the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to China, Vietnam, North Korea and, most recently, Venezuela. So forget those power mad Marxists who got it wrong. Denmark is the socialist model to follow. Denmark is the Disneyland of socialism. It is where everybody is … Read more

Warren Wants AOC Responsible for Your Retirement

Before the Welfare State

Democrats, socialists like AOC and Bernie and others in their party, are content to sit amidst the bounty provided by capitalism, in a comfortable hall, before a crowd of paid ticket holders tearing into capitalism. They call the system that has raised 80% of the globe from extreme poverty since 1980 “irredeemable” while ranting against … Read more

It’s what the Left does – normalize what used to be taboo to accept their even worse

No TabooComparisons, comparisons.  First, go back and read this.  Remember, the media ‘fessed up to “normalizing” homosexuality.

Now this:  Bernie Sanders Says Liberals Are Turning the “Radical” into the “Mainstream.”

And now this:  Drag queen superheroes show — ‘Super Drags’ — coming to Netflix: ‘They’re going to save the world’

So, normalizing Socialism and Communism.  Now add to that which  used to be considered to be depraved behavior – and we Normals aren’t to say a thing or be labeled RACISTs or HOMOPHOBES, or DEPLORABLES or IRREDEEMABLES (did I forget the word BIGOT! ?).  Stigma – a word that has had its meaning pretty much neutered.  Depravity is in, church going and traditionally moral people out.  Fun-cations (complements of unemployment – trust me, it ain’t) in, hard work out. Responsibility is out, blaming others is in.  America bashing in, pro-America out; you get the picture (and I keep coming back to this over and over because it does seem that the America I grew up in is being deliberately and methodically destroyed.

So when all what used to be praised and held to be of value, what happens?

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We Stand at One of the Major Turning Points of History…

A notable qote: “We stand at one of the major turning points of history. Two powerful forces for regression threaten to drag us into a dark past. On the one hand, Islamists want to bring back the subjugation of women, female genital mutilation, sex slavery, beheadings, and dhimmitude for non-believers. On the other hand, their … Read more

So, another “win” for our government education?

Only when you consider the older man’s education (you know, when it actually taught actually history and actual civics and not this PC crap we see in the top panel). The South deemed their slaves to be property but wanted them also counted as people for representation.  The North said – ok, if your slaves … Read more

Who Else Erases History?

The American left has manufactured another crisis and used it as an excuse to erase history. So who else does that? We also discuss the bureaucratic handmaidens of the central planners – the administrative state; must you cut off each limb or will you have more success if you starve them to death.  

A Visit With Madame Curie

Liberty Harbor Academy Presents… A Visit with Madame Curie by Susan Marie Frontczak, Storysmith Tuesday, April 2 – 6:00-7:00 PM Liberty Harbor Academy, 1230 Elm St. Manchester, NH Marie Curie is best know for the discovery of radium and radioactivity but few understand the obstacles  she faced just to get into the laboratory. From the … Read more

A Condensed Version of History…

So, I’m reading the comments on a Fox News story that reports how Paul Ryan is preparing for his upcoming debate with “Doofus” Joe Biden (don’t ask me how I got to this point).  Anyhow, the silver lining of this Sunday-night distraction was stumbling upon a comment posted by a user named “I AM ALWAYS RIGHT you donkey“.  It was entertaining (and appropriately sarcastic) enough to share…enjoy.

Oh, and if you are an offended Liberal who feels compelled to comment on this guy’s historical accuracy, save your breath because it doesn’t matter – HE’S MAKING FUN OF YOU!!

Here is a condensed version of history:

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Blind fools, in the service of blind, enervated American elites….

Can extremely highly educated, very widely traveled and knowledgeable people be amazingly, obviously, exceptionally, absolutely blind to the lessons of history? Mark Steyn—who not incidentally lives in the Free State of New Hampshire—explains that, why yes, as a matter of fact they can be. In fact, there’s an example of one—well respected!—who recently wrote a … Read more

What brings societies like our to an end? “We all know what will save us and what is destroying us.”

From Victor Davis Hanson, an author and University of California professor of classics: "Redistribution of wealth rather than emphasis on its creation is surely a symptom aging societies…A  new entitlement in a matter of minutes becomes an institutionalized right whose withdrawal causes far more anguish than its prior nonexistence….But as we see now in postmodern America…the costs finally equate to an implosion as we see in Greece or California.

"We all know what will save us and what is destroyinging us."

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Memorial Day: Remembering What We Did…


Marine Corps Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Number 2112 “Precision Weapons Repairer. That is what I did. I found this entry on the Marine Corps Community for USMC veterans. I found it worthy of sharing. It took me back to the hard works and labors of my early days as a young Marine serving our country. So on this Memorial day, I not write of my own musings and thoughts, but I defer that to my brother Amorers who have so adeptly described what we do (and did). To them I say…Semper Fi!

The destructive power of a machine gun, mortar or rifle by itself is nothing, but when manned by Marines in combat, it strikes terror into the heart of the enemy.

Armorers in the Marine Corps make sure that each one of these weapons, along with many other small-arms, are secured, maintained and accounted for, until Marines need to put them to use.

Armorers are responsible for every weapon in their charge – 100 percent accountability at all times. 

“Most people don’t realize how much we do on a daily basis,” said Sgt. Clinton Rosemeyer, armory chief, Headquarters and Service Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific. “Between the multiple weapons counts, issuing weapons, maintenance and inspections after recovering weapons – we keep pretty busy.”

The battalion’s armory contains pistols, rifles, machine guns and mortars. Armorers must be able to inspect the weapons to determine if they have malfunctions, need repairs or meet serviceability standards, according to Marine Corps Order P1200.7.

In order to do that, armorers must be able to disassemble and assemble every weapon in their charge, and be able to assess the condition of each piece of the weapon.

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“The corrupt alliance of money and political power.”

Yesterday? Robber barons who used money to buy politicians and destroy competition. Today? Robber baron public employee unions who use money to buy politicians and screw the taxpayers. Like I said, I like this guy Bill Whittle. Makes a lot of sense. It’s nice to hear about the self-organizing Third Wave building in opposition to … Read more

Milton Friedman on Why the Democrats Tried to Fiscally Destroy New Hampshire

I just ran across this old interview of the sainted Milton Friedman. Couldn’t resist sharing it. As for the Democrats spending New Hampshire into a historically unprecedented $900 million budget deficit (and thus essentially bankrupting the state)? It’s all explained in about the last 30 seconds of the interview. Enjoy!

Testimony or Public Comment?

There were a lot of bills heard this week in Concord…. And there was much public comment that followed… Portions of which were outright lies and confabulation. To support, or not support the legislation at hand….a particular bill. I nearly always refer to any verbal address to committees as public comment, despite others who call … Read more

Jefferson and the Koran…


In 2007, newly elected US Representative Keith Ellison (DFL-MN), used a Koran in his swearing-in reenactment, instead of a Bible.  A classic Obama-adoring, Pelosi-Progressive minion, Ellison had once defended Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam (even helping to organize the Minnesota contingent of the "Million Man March"), but later backtracked, was raised Catholic in Detroit, but converted to Islam while in college.

The Koran he took his oath of office on was borrowed from the Library of Congress, originally purchased and owned by Thomas Jefferson.  Ellison said, "It demonstrates that from the very beginning of our country, we had people who were visionary, who were religiously tolerant, who believed that knowledge and wisdom could be gleaned from any number of sources, including the Quran."

Sure, Jefferson gleaned wisdom from the Koran.  Read this article to understand better Jefferson’s dealing with Islam, during his time both before and during his Presidency.  US Marines, take note.

Complete article on this history after the jump…

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