Firearm handgun

The Cornerstone of a Free Society: Everyone Should be Armed

“Self-defense is a primary law of nature, which no subsequent law of society can abolish.”  That’s how the great Mercy Otis Warren put it. But this wasn’t just a philosophical view for the Founders and Old Revolutionaries. They knew an armed society was essential to preserving liberty – because they lived it firsthand. In fact, it was one … Read more

Liberty and Freedom

Freedom’s Just Another Word for Everything to Lose

Among his many memorable contributions to American arts, the great singer-songwriter Kris Kristofferson, who passed away in September, wrote one of the most quotable lines in rock history. “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.” It’s a fabulous drifter anthem.  It’s also entirely wrong.  Part of the American political left at the time … Read more

pencil eraser

Historical Revisionism: What It Is and What It Is Not

An activist historian in the United Kingdom, who rose to prominence as a supporter of Black Lives Matter, recently expounded to the Times on what he sees as the proper role of historians: “I think [the job of historians] is to try to stand there at this arsenal of dangerous ideas and to make it more difficult … Read more

Bill Maher’s Excellent History Lesson

Bill Mahr and I disagree on a lot of things, and he wouldn’t know me from Adam, but we do agree on some. Free speech. That’s a big one. He’s no fan of so-called right-wingers, but he defends their right to disagree with him. We have a similar policy.

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Ben and Jerry VW van Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Ben & Jerry’s Says, “Hold My Bud Light!”

Okay… So, by now you have probably heard that Ben & Jerry’s, in a “Hold my Bud Light” attempt to see who can alienate the most customers with one Tweet, kicked off July 4th with the statement, “It’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it.”

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Globe Puppet master

Where Are We Headed? Will You Survive?

Today, the beginning of autumn, 2022, is an appropriate time to look back. I believe we are in extreme trouble; in fact, some sort of world collapse may be at hand. The following discussion is pitched at anyone who cares but lacks the time to research the particulars.

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Money cash

The Founders Predicted our Economic Crisis

Did Thomas Jefferson call the economic crisis? “Every thing predicted by the enemies of banks, in the beginning, is now coming to pass. we are to be ruined now by the deluge of bank paper as we were formerly by the old Continental paper.” That’s from a letter to Thomas Cooper in January 1814. And … Read more

Tank war

Hitler was Literally Putin

In a recent conversation in which I pointed out that the war in Ukraine was a contest between the first and second most corrupt governments in Europe, the other participant retorted, “So?”

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Democrat vampire draining America

History Mirrors Today

The history of science is surprising, interesting, and violent. In my experience, science begins with “ our lying eyes” telling us the earth is flat because we could see no further than the horizon.

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The Danger of Knowledge

Some years ago, as an intellectual exercise, some friends and I were talking about what we thought was the single biggest advance in human history.

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