I’ve been watching Perry Mason on HBO Max. It’s an origin story for the character. It’s very good, but as is often the case, they can’t help messing with it, or their writers end up showing their partisan ignorance.
Della Street is a lesbian, another example of the left interjecting the LGBTQsaurus into every damn thing they touch. But that’ wasn’t my gripe. I get that they can’t help themselves. What made me truly laugh was a scene between a Latina woman and Perry.
She’s a pilot and wants to buy his farm, which is – what’s left of it- sitting in the middle of her airport somewhere outside Los Angeles. He says something about it being in his family for generations, and she says it all used to belong to (I’m paraphrasing) Spanish-speaking folks like her.
The inference is one of conquest. My ancestors had it before yours, but so what?
Those ancestors only spoke Spanish because they were conquered by Spain. So completely, that most of them have no tangible connection to any actual ancestral language before that.
So her connection to that past or any right to the land is based on being conquered by a colonialist European super-power (at the time). It reminds me of women who announce that in the name of Feminism (or something), they are keeping their maiden name after marriage. Oh, you mean your father’s name or your mother’s father’s name? Go Girl Power.
Now, I don’t care what you call yourself or why but history has an unpleasant fact sandwich waiting for the unwary.
In the case of whose land is whose, the odds are good that someone else thought it was theirs before they lost it. It is why the entire premise behind indigenous people’s day in the North American Continent is a fraud. There weren’t any. They all came from someplace else looking for land and a new start, driven by hunger, conquest, mother nature, or adventure.
Those same things brought new people whose culture took over conquered that of those who came before.
It is a process that never ends.
America is being conquered as I write this. By the Chinese, huge armies of immigrants, cultural Marxism, Globalism, Jihadism (and not just the Islamic variety), fiscal meddling, almost all of it connected to one political party (Democrats) with the help of moles in the so-called opposing party.
If it succeeds, America will evolve politically and culturally, and at some future date, no one may even know one damn word of Spanish. Or we might all speak it. And that’s hardly the most crucial question.
Will there be anything of value left to speak about aside from old wives tales about a place where people were – but for a short while – rumored to be free?
A place where you could have a performance that questioned the legitimacy of land claims or culture or heritage or leadership and not have to worry about being disappeared in the middle of the night.
Progressives think they are clever, putting their ignorant revisionism into every corner of our culture. They feel that undermining it will lead to something better.
There’s never been anything better. Names, places, languages, and history change, but human nature does not. That is why the Marist experiment always fails.
Most experts are at least twice as flawed. Their arrogance blinds them to their ignorance until it is too late for the rest of us, and often them too.