That Racist You Are Looking for Might Be In Your Mirror

by Op-Ed

It is interesting how the democrats always turn to name-calling and labels (Racists, colonizers, white supremacists) when they can’t argue the merits of their case.

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And it’s typically the white liberal democrats unloading these derogatory comments in the direction of white Republicans (or anyone else who disagrees with a certain narrative of theirs). They act like they are doing something great for minorities, but their motives are so disingenuous. Such is the case in our General Court in New Hampshire with Rep. Catherine Sofikitis.

Democrat Representative Sofikitis said, “There is not one person of color on this House committee.” She also mentioned something about reconciling history. How phony can she be? Maybe no black people were interested in that particular committee. I guess she thought she would score points with the minorities.

While I was campaigning, I heard about Rep. Sofikitis’ antics. Apparently, she has a habit of making outrageous outbursts during committee sessions. She needs to stop with her false anti-racist rant. Stop the black victimization crap, and stop accusing her colleagues of racism or insinuating racism. Take a look in the mirror. I can guarantee that she will see the real racist in the group. We do not need her iterations, interjections, suggestions, or her phony support.

No, thank you, and no thanks to all the other race baiters out there.

Think about it; In New Hampshire, the black population might be slightly more than 2%. What are the chances of finding at least one black person on every committee or one on a few committees (in an effort to avoid racial insinuations)? Chances are none. It’s not a matter of exclusion, as Rep. Sofikitis would have you believe but more a lack of political involvement by black people in NH. Just another white liberal democrat who still believes that black people need to be taken care of.

And ask yourselves why a certain few liberal democrats are always on a rampage to sterilize history. To kill certain holidays or celebrations or pull down a statue. How does changing the Columbus Day celebration benefit anyone (the black people, the Italian people, or the man Columbus)? This move seems like more strife and division. By the way, why are they still Indian [indigenous people] reservations in this country?

Columbus Day should stay right where it is. History tells us that a man named Christopher Columbus, on a ship called the Santa Maria discovered the new world. Babbling on about the origin of Columbus is of little concern. Since the representative threw race into the mix, eliminating Columbus Day could be construed as racist to deny the Italian-Americans their legacy. That being said, Columbus did discover the new world according to our history.

What actually bothers me most about these conversations, committees, or debates is the constant interjection of race or white supremacy, being uttered by people who, in my view, seem more interested in using racial terms to shut down or deny normal conversation. To both black and white people, can’t we have a civil debate or conversation without inserting racism?

I have found that many of those who cry the loudest against racism are themselves the biggest racists.

This brings me to another question; How did the Democrat party garner so much political support from the minority population, specifically the black population, given the party’s history? Let’s be candid here. The Democrat Party is the nation’s oldest political party. Responsible for many of the nation’s ills, specifically against the minorities (indigenous people, black people) with their policies.


  • It is the white democrats who paid black people to betray their African brothers, kidnap them and sold those blacks into slavery.
  • Think about what the civil War was about; to end slavery.
  • Since the end of the Civil War the Liberal Democrats have oppressed the black people to make certain they never achieve their independence from the Democrat Party simple because they have a group of people who they could easily deceive and manipulate for votes. The liberal democrats are responsible for the Ku Klux Klan and all its brutality as a means to control blacks. President Biden’s dear friend Robert Byrd was a leader, the grand wizard of the Klan.
  • The nation’s oldest party, back in the day created the racial divide. They started with the light skin blacks and dark skin blacks during slavery, to insure distrust and division. This practice continues in modern day pitting black people against white people, rich against poor, the vaxed against the unvaxed and it goes on.
  • Did you know that the democrats refused to sign the new deal unless black people were denied the right to vote? Yep, they did.
  • It is a racist democrat who maximized the use of the abortion technique as an avenue to control and reduce the black population. Did you know that?
  • In 2004, a democrat destroyed the years of hard work that this nation had done to mend the racial divide in this country, taking us back to beyond the 60’s.
  • The Democrats moved the block of black people from plantation slavery to political slavery.

As it turned out, not all those democrats felt the same about slavery because in the 1850s, a number of them, realizing the propensity of what we now call “the liberal or far left” of the democrat party, broke away to form the coalition against slavery. In 1854 that coalition established itself as the Republican Party to continue the fight against slavery and to propose better policies that would enhance the lives of both black and white people and the American Indians (for everyone).

From 2016 through 2020, the Republicans provided policies of real opportunities for Black People to lift themselves and make huge gains toward economic independence, self-reliance, and pride. The Liberal Democrats saw this as a threat and canceled or de-funded every program in 2021. This is how the liberal democrats have garnered their power over black people. This is what you voted for, and that’s a shame because you are now guilty of perpetuating this oppressive and racist regime.

I bring this up only because the American people, especially black people, have been manipulated into believing that Republicans or the Republican Party is responsible for slavery and racism which is far from the truth. So, when a liberal democrat insinuates racism on a certain committee because there’re no blacks on that committee, they should be called out.

In a previous op-ed, a question was asked; does Nashua have a racist problem? Nashua is predominantly Democrat.

Avalon Lewis Former Candidate For Nashua Ward 7 State Rep.


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