If you want to turn into a polling and data wonk the day before the Election, try this (emphasis mine):
The NHPR/New Hampshire Bulletin RIGGED Senate “Debate” … A Caricature Of A Debate
So this past Thursday, NHPR and New Hampshire Bulletin hosted a “debate” between Hassan and Don Bolduc. It was so RIGGED that it could have been a skit on the old Saturday Night Live (back when SNL was funny) caricaturing a rigged debate.
More Election Rigging By Adam Sexton … Censorship Of Hassan’s Policies Decimating Retirement Savings
Do you know why Maggie Hassan doesn’t have to campaign and do more than a handful of debates? Because she has Adam Sexton and the rest of New Hampshire’s regime media to campaign for her.
Democrats are Inexorably Linked to Biden’s Failed Policies
Inflation and crime are up at breathtaking levels. Our status on the world stage is deteriorating, as is the morale of our nation. The vast majority of Americans believe we’re on the wrong track.
Who’s Left? Nobody
I’m growing tired of Democrats heaping their opprobrium on the Granite State when it comes to the whole early primary bagatelle of a fraud of a hoax of a sham.
What Democrat Maggie Hassan, Annie Kuster, and Chris Pappas’ Actions Say to Us
The General Election is coming up quick and flush with cash, Democrats Hassan (Senate), Kuster (Congress), and Pappas (Congress) are trying to soften their images as extremists in lockstep with Democrat legislation and policies into more rounded and just-the-kindly-grandmothers-next-door.
NeverTrump Frustration With Sununu Boils Over
The NeverTrump website NHJournal (hereinafter NeverTrumpJournal) has lost patience with Sununu:
Missouri Bank WARNS Customers About Biden’s “Bank Account Profiling” Law
A bank in Missouri took to Facebook recently to warn its customers about a law that is part of Biden’s “American Families Plan.” The law is regarding banking and how it affects every single person in the United States:
State Internet Surveillance Unit Sued for Alleged Illegal Collection Practices
A State Trooper has sued claiming his state used a DHS backed resource agency to illegally collect data on individuals making legal gun purchases or engaged in peaceful protests. Before you say you don’t care, New Hampshire has one of these too! As does every state.
The Real Problem with Debt Has a Practical Solution
Last night a candidate for statewide office made a presentation. The candidate said deficit and debt should be a tertiary priority. This strikes me as myopic. Truth be told it made me a little angry.
Shaheen and Hassan’s Vote Supported Kuster and Pappas’ Abuse of Power
New Hampshire’s Democrat congressional delegation is worse than an embarrassment. They are an ignorant embarrassment. Ann Kuster and Chris Pappas voted for the Articles of Impeachment. Hassan and Shaheen concurred with their Guilty votes. They are all guilty of abuse of power.
What Have You Done For Me Lately?
In his State of the Union message, Trump answered the question: What have you done for me lately? Sometimes in our lives, we need to assess what is going on around us. Coming out of impeachment and acquittal of the president it seems a good time to stop and take stock.
NH Democrats and Women’s Foundation Once Again Lie about Equal Pay
Today, just like every year, Democrats and left-wing organizations like to make women believe they are somehow ‘victims of the patriarchy’ because they aren’t paid equally. These Democrats and organizations continue to use bogus statistics and studies to promote their lies. Every year they are reminded that they are lying and demeaning women by claiming … Read more
GrokTALK! Program #150
We celebrate show #150 with a room full of right-wing bloggers and activists. Topics? Sununu’s and Planned Parenthood, due process, Marijuana and the ATF, Smokin’ Joe Lachance, Trump and the GOP, Maggie Hassan, Semi-Auto-Sit-Ins, a little immigration, Granite Grok’s ten year anniversary, the Brexit, and more.
Various and Sundry
We discuss Gov. Hassan’s veto of a bill to make the pistol revolver license optional; the demise of Rockingham Park, Trump’s on-again-off-again debate with Bernie Sanders; and a drunk driver who committed vehicular manslaughter claims that only the restaurant that served him is liable in a wrongful death suit.
New Hampshire, Heroin, and Hassan
They say New Hampshire has a heroin problem. They also say Medicaid expansion will help. Kimberly Morin joins us to talk about the details and potential political motivations (on both sides) for hyping a heroin epidemic in New Hampshire.
And I was Hoping for a Day Off…
Nothing tastes quite like defeat but nothing creates blog material like Democrats. (I’d have preferred the day off but that was apparenlty not meant to be.)
So here we go again. I expect the 2016 election to start any moment now…
By the way. Some libertarians are taking credit for the GOP not being able to win without them. Note to those libertarains. That would actually mean you helped Obama win. (Hassan, Lasky, Gilmore, Shea-Porter, McKluster etc…?) I don’t happen to think you had any meaningful affect at all, personally. The difference in New Hampshire (at least) was not slight. Romney may even have won the popular vote nationally–though I have only hear-say on that point. But as the results unfold I’ll be happy to give you some credit if that will make you feel like you mattered. I know how sensitive you folks are about your movement.
Next: That bitter Tea narrative seems to have worked.
Whose War On Women?
Yesterday, Steve wrote about William Jefferson Clinton coming to Nashua to endorse Maggie Hassan. In it, he showed Andrew Hemingway’s 4RG video of the endorsement, where Clinton messed up and used Jackie Cilley’s last name (the other candidate!). There is simply no good explanation or excuse for this.
Democrats around the state are now trumpeting the magnificence of Hassan and her campaign, what with a former President swinging (driving) by to heap praise on their candidate. You’ve gotta feel bad for these people, grinning through a grimace, being real troopers, in spite of this embarrassing display of Presidential pretension and blunder. All that effort and they can only show still photos of the event – no audio – no video!
Well, let me make it hurt some more.