More Election Rigging By Adam Sexton … Censorship Of Hassan’s Policies Decimating Retirement Savings

Do you know why Maggie Hassan doesn’t have to campaign and do more than a handful of debates? Because she has Adam Sexton and the rest of New Hampshire’s regime media to campaign for her.

The policies that Hassan has supported since Biden was sworn in as President have DECIMATED our retirement savings. The values of our IRAs and 401Ks have dropped between 25 percent and 30 percent.

Yet Sexton and the rest of the pro-Hassan media never talk about this … never talk about how people are having to delay retirement and in some case come out of retirement. Instead, they allow Hassan … as she is doing below at one of the handful of “debates” in friendly forums she is willing to do… to pose as a champion of retirees and near-retirees, and lob false claims about Bolduc. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the “fact-check” from Sexton and his ilk … they are NOT journalists. They are Democrat-activists:

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