Survival Sunday

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

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Survival Sunday

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

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Cartoon: Let Us Reforge Liberty…

So, to those who care, the home crisis seems to have passed for the better.  I am hopeful this will continue.  Certain fundamental issues have not been fully resolved – but given what seems to be coming, and right soon, I’ll take what I can get for as long as I can.  The world is … Read more

Italian Farmers Join The Fight Against The Globalists

The most important thing going on in the world wight now is not the border-war between Russia and Ukraine, which was provoked and is being prolonged by globalists, including the Biden-regime and the GOP “leadership” … eyes on you Mitch McConnell. It is the globalists’ war on our food supply. I previously posted about Dutch … Read more


Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours

Many years ago I read an article called The Three Conjectures, at PJMedia, the Belmont Club.  It’s about radical Islamists getting nuclear weapons and it did not paint a comforting picture.  I’ve struggled for years with that essay, desperate to find the flaw in the argument.  Thus far I have not.  I had a similar … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


Let the mockery and other memes begin.  And note the sign about “UnJabbed need not apply” – from New Zealand.  Medical apartheid is coming.  Remember this cartoon?  There is an insane drive to put a needle into every arm.  This is the new One-Worlder religion.

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Fear is the Mind Killer…

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

― Frank Herbert, Dune

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Nemesis Waits A needl in every arm

CARTOON: Nemesis Checks the Time

A brief plea – I have seen my cartoons here and there around the net without my notice which is almost always at the bottom.  Please, I pay for my concepts to be done professionally – if you like a cartoon and want to post/share it, please do, but have the courtesy of keeping that notice on the image and also mentioning that you saw it here.  Thank you.

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The Coronavirus and China’s Travel Ban

The Coronavirus and China’s Travel Ban

There are growing concerns about the spread of the Coronavirus and China’s travel ban.  The origination point of the disease is Wuhan Province, China. It has governments around the world implementing measures to protect their citizens.  The efforts to prevent the spread of the disease are being widely made. There is reason for concern. Open … Read more

Data Point: How to “correct” the Income Inequality between the US and the rest of the world?

by Skip

After all, when you consider the basis point of not just “99% vs the 1%” in the US (as the Marxist / SJWs complain, who want to use Government to “equalize” everyone and thing) but instead, judge the world against the US, we ARE the 1% of the world and the rest of the world hates it and thinks, like American SJWs, that we “stole” all that wealth. So, how to “level” that field?

As has been said before “make us all serfs again”.  DC Whispers has an interesting take on this (emphasis mine, reformatted slightly); I add the Progressive doxology “from whom all blessings flow?”:

…The “Before Obama” and “After Obama” figures make clear how the millennials were targeted for what has to rank as one of the most damaging bait and switch frauds in human history. Feed them easy money for college courses that have no application in the real world, give them a near-worthless piece of paper at the end, and charge them tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for being victims of the scam.

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