Many years ago I read an article called The Three Conjectures, at PJMedia, the Belmont Club. It’s about radical Islamists getting nuclear weapons and it did not paint a comforting picture. I’ve struggled for years with that essay, desperate to find the flaw in the argument. Thus far I have not. I had a similar feeling here, writing this. I desperately want to find a flaw in the argument, lest my small-hour musings – and what I believe to be their logical follow-on implications – prove true.
I’ve long had an ability to see second-and-third order effects from events very quickly. Most of the time that has proven very useful, especially in my chosen career. A domestic example: one time my younger child came from the playroom giddily dragging one of the educational posters that had been on the wall. It took me a scant moment to realize what they were dragging, and my immediate second-order thought was What about the thumbtacks? (I searched for them, found them all, and remounted the poster. Phew!)
Sometimes that ability takes a darker turn. I discussed, in my piece The Danger of Knowledge, the potential dangers of the mRNA in the Jabs reverse transcribing into cell DNA:
We now have had THE JABS out for enough time, methinks, that there should be couples who have had the Jabs pre-conception and have given birth – there should be an effort to survey such parents to see if their children have the mRNA in them producing the spike proteins. If even one child is shown to have the mRNA now in their DNA… time to start building gallows.
Now, watch this video by Dr. David Martin – it’s long (just over an hour) and has a lot of good nuggets in it so I recommend it in full, but note the original purpose of Moderna’s initial founding which he starts discussing about 11 minutes in:
Video moved – watch here.
Yes, that’s right, the federal grant that helped get Moderna going was specifically founded to research using mRNA to edit new info into living cells’ DNA. Let that sink into your head as you also contemplate the Bayer Executive who admits these shots are gene therapy (link in the original, bolding added):
The president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division told international “experts” during a globalist health conference that the mRNA COVID-19 shots are indeed “cell and gene therapy” marketed as “vaccines” to be palatable to the public.
Stefan Oelrich, president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, made these comments at this year’s World Health Summit, which took place in Berlin from October 24-26 and hosted 6,000 people from 120 countries. Oelrich told his fellow international “experts” from academia, politics, and the private sector that the novel mRNA COVID “vaccines” are actually “cell and gene therapy” that would have otherwise been rejected by the public if not for a “pandemic” and favorable marketing.
And while the debunkers soothingly claim that mRNA vaccines will not enter a cell’s nucleus we know from multiple studies that it does, with potential changes to the cell’s DNA. Here, and earlier here.
Combine that with the findings that the mRNA gets into everywhere, including testes and ovaries… and shudder:
The high concentration of spike protein found in testes and ovaries in the secret Pfizer data released by the Japanese agency raises questions, too. “Will we be rendering young people infertile?” Bridle asked.
Just look at the curves showing the accumulation of spike proteins in the ovaries:
These discussions concern infertility. I’m concerned too, but there’s a different concern as well. And from here, based on the same reverse-transcription studies as above (bolding added):
Another question is, in which type of cells does this gene embedding occur? If it occurs only in individual organs, then it will affect only the cells in these organs. However, if it occurs in an embryonic cell, it will affect the next generation.
In general, there is no more information to answer these questions. However, the Lund University study had at least one breakthrough. That is, it made people see clearly an exogenous viral gene sequence, mRNA, being inserted into the human chromosome.
IF… and I admit IF… mRNA has gotten to the sperm or ovum and that one is the winner of the reproduction cycle, that alien-to-humans genetic sequence, a sequence that makes a protein that we know is toxic (video, 17 minutes), now potentially enshrines that production in every lineal descendant of that person. As outlined by Dr. Peter McCollough:
If… IF… this occurs we now have a pharma-made genetic sequences entering the human genome. Whether by accident or by design, and I personally suspect the latter, we are now entering a phase where the human species is being genetically engineered without consent. Added: Imagine the genius, the sheer diabolical genius, of genetically engineering people to produce a substance that is toxic to their health. That helps answer the 7.3 billion person question, doesn’t it?
If we find even one case where pharma mRNA has been reverse-transcribed into a sperm or ovum, which subsequently becomes a birthed baby carrying that gene, things get into infernal territory and we are faced with horrific options – absent any way to edit it back out.
Has it happened? Take a look at this video, below. If… IF these multiple kids have had the above happen to them, resulting in these odd eyes, holding up their head at four days old, trying to walk at two months…
Then we are facing the real-world proof something has happened. Something double-plus ungood. This needs to be tested. And while Dr. McCollough, video above, discusses many researchers looking to verify and replicate this reverse transcription into human DNA, we face a problem of species-wide implications. For who here, even the Jabbed, signed on to take it knowing this could implant genetic material created by a pharma company into every single one of your descendants? Anyone? Anyone????
If this has provably happened, Hell is coming for humanity, laughing joyously.
So let’s assume – with some arguable but IMHO not-yet-definitive evidence– that this has already happened. For with dead-cinch certainty if it can be proven and verified that it has happened once, then it has happened multiple times as sheer numbers of injections would statistically lead to that… then we are faced with a dire decision point. A decision point with no good choices. I see three options:
First, if we as a global society do nothing except mourn, rail, and gnash our teeth then eventually – as generations pass – those who have had this incorporated into their DNA will eventually dominate the species. Thus we will, through inaction, have permitted private entities to have started to engineer the human race to their needs, not our own. To what end, with what consequences? Remember Murphy: He’s out there, and he’s an SOB.
Second, the apartheid option. Strict, and I mean STRICT, separation of Jabbed vs. unJabbed in terms of breeding. Which is, theoretically, possible… but how to enforce it 100%? No, even a little leakage through the barrier will result in the first possibility being true. I don’t recall where I saw it, but this analogy applies (italics replaced by underlining):
A cup of sewage poured into a large container, no matter how carefully poured, will not remain only in the place you poured it.
Third, a total war against the Jabbed. Please note that I’m horrified beyond imagining about this, but it has to be listed. It would mean the total destruction of virtually every government and transnational institution, not to mention the entire medical and pharmacological establishments, and – at the absolute least – the outright sterilization of anyone who ever took the Jab, from infants upwards. Plus execution of every UN member, every pharma exec, and everyone in the WEF, WHO, and who knows what else. (I personally vote for impalement.) At most, it would mean slaughtering the Jabbed on a genocide the scale of which the world has never, ever seen. And it would have to be to the last Jabbed person on earth lest, if there was even one reproducing survivor, the genetic contamination start to spread again.
Added: Leave us not forget that the Jabbed will not sit down and just consent to the slaughter. They’ll fight back. And it will a global war of extermination with both sides dead-set to eliminate the other to the last person – survival will necessitate it. Rivers of blood? No. Whole oceans of it.
Remember: “There will be a need to kill many billions…” This was said, openly, in 2015.
If we do nothing, the first option, then the Globalists will have succeeded in their first step to transform the human species. Over generations the sewage of that genetic manipulation will diffuse into the purebloods by breeding no matter how careful people are. If we do the third option, it would destroy humanity’s soul, for nobody surviving would be untouched by the horrific deeds necessary to accomplish this (and that’s assuming the Purebloods win!). Our very existence on the planet would be tainted forever by that deed, and Satan would win again in having permanently corrupted our souls through his eager and willing tools, the Globalists. While we might physically survive, I am not sure about our humanity continuing having that large a dark act on our collective souls.
Do I have a solution? Is there a “good” way out? I don’t know. But we cannot play ostrich to the possibility we are being genetically engineered, as a species, against our will. If we are, this is genetic rape of the entire species by men violating the First Commandment to play G-d with the species. And remember, it’s being done is being done by people who believe they are doing good:
Most people are good and occasionally do something they know is bad.
Some people are bad and struggle every day to keep it under control.
Others are corrupt to the core and don’t give a damn, as long as they don’t get caught.
But evil is a completely different creature.
Evil is bad that believes it’s good.
— Karen Marie Moning
Pray that I and this worry are wrong. Pray with all your heart the answer to the question is NO. For we await an answer to a dread question… and I tremble that the answer may be a YES. And if yes, pray that there are significant-enough fertility and health issues in those children so born that are so dire and destructive – Hashem forgive me for even the thought – that they either cannot breed successfully, or do not live until reproductive ages.
Such are the things that keep me up at night.