Things Fall Apart 2


In my recent essay Things Fall Apart… I commented about how the very fundamentals of our nation (US) and Western Civilization seem to be developing fractures that will lead to the whole thing falling down.

The goal is clear, IMHO: total global collapse and depopulation.  Just look at Tucker Carlson’s take on what’s happening in America today.



After all, paradise must be built.  The foundation must be laid.  No matter the human cost of prior attempts.  No matter the cost now.



Socialistopia - notice j


This is why I truly believe we are in a religious war.  No sane person, IMHO, could ignore the enormous toll prior attempts at world communism have taken, and still double-down trying it again unless this were their FAITH.



You may not easily believe this based on my doom and gloom essays of late, but generally I’m a very happy and optimistic person.  Yes, I’m cautious and do tend to err on the side of caution and safety – Engineer! – but overall I always look for and see the silver linings in even the darkest clouds.  And I delight in the small moments when I feel Hashem’s presence.  Take yesterday morning: taking my wife’s travel cup of tea, lunch, and laptop to her car while she was getting dressed for work I stepped outside to a cool & crisp morning and took utter delight in the sun rising, dew glistening on the grass, my kids’ trees standing tall waking up after the winter, and a rooster crowing in the distance.  A marvelous moment worthy of pure joy in His kindness having my see that.

Yet I feel, in the pit of my stomach, that I’m watching the Gates of Hell starting to crack open prior to the loosing of all it’s infernal fury:

USA / NATO gearing up for counterattack against Russian forces in July or August, with high risk of escalated retaliatory strikes by Russia using EMP or nuclear weapons – DC Clothesline

And this kind of talk?  Openly discussing nuclear attacks?



And if this isn’t casus belli (if true; I’ve heard disputations of this) I’m not sure what is:

U.S. intel helped Ukraine sink Russian flagship Moskva, officials say (

Let alone having Ukraine field-test our new weapons against Russia, emptying our own weapons stores to supply them.  And don’t get me started on draining our strategic petroleum reserve.  Or this: US Targeting Russian Generals.



As I’ve written before, IMHO WWI was stumbled into.  Not so now.  There are serious people bent on massive depopulation, see here and here.  They want a global massacre.  Whether from disease, The Jab, war, engineered food shortages, whatever, the stage is being set for a calamity on a scale humanity has not seen before.  Well, at least since about 70,000 B.C (links in the original):

[O]nce in our history, the world-wide population of human beings skidded so sharply we were down to roughly a thousand reproductive adults. One study says we hit as low as 40 [breeding pairs].

On my old blog I had an essay about the Climate Cultists who truly believe that humanity’s emissions of CO2 is a threat to all life on earth.  Let me repeat that.  People believe that CO2, a gas essential for plant metabolism and life, is a biosphere-level threat whose emissions must be stopped and that gas actively removed from the atmosphere.


(Buy the mug!)


Now, as I wrote in that essay, ask yourself this question and seriously think about the answer:

Imagine you truly believed – believed to the pit of your soul – that humanity’s massive presence on earth was a threat to all life on earth (I’m not disputing that mankind isn’t being destructive).  Let me repeat: you absolutely believe the current human population on earth is a threat to ALL. LIFE. ON. EARTH.  All of it.  From whales to dragonflies to orchids, even to this hideous creature.


If you truly believed this, what would you NOT DO to prevent the end of all life?  Certainly you’d work, with every fiber of your being, to ameliorate that threat.  Right?  And what’s the simplest solution to that?  Not “green energy” but reducing the world’s population.  Drastically.  And quickly.

WWIII would certainly do that.



In an excellent book The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes – and Why there is one scene – and I’m going from memory so please forgive any deviations from the actual account – that perfectly captures fatal-level denial.  There was a flight going to Miami from, IIRC, New York and the plane crashed.  The flight crew worked quickly to get the passengers out even as flames were spreading through the whole cabin.  But one man, reading his newspaper, refused to leave.  Pleading with him the stewardess tried to get him to move, stating that the plane had crashed and was on fire.  The man, reading his paper, replied that it was all nonsense.  The plane was fine and he looked forward to arriving in Miami in a few hours.  She abandoned him to save herself and he burned alive rather than admit his reality was now a threat.


(Link to AZ Quotes per their policy)


I feel the same thing watching so many persons in my life now.  My accountant who has long term plans for my money – bless him – but cannot fathom anything truly dark coming; he’s done an excellent job with my money but I fear his inability to see what’s coming is now a threat to my largest financial holding (if Wall Street gets flash-fried – like these shrimp (cute video from Japan) – there goes all my money).  My wife, whose family suffered during the break-up of the USSR and whose people were murdered by Stalin in a parallel starvation to the Holodomor (one out of every three ethnic Kazakhs died), denies the need for preps and having firearms and laments the money I’ve “wasted” in purchasing them – ironically she went rifling through the stockpile trying to find raisins and cashews for her snacks and was disappointed that we didn’t have raisins available on hand… dissonance anyone?  My sister who still prods me to get The Jab despite our all having had Covid and, thus, already have the gold-standard of immunity.  My Holocaust-era cousin who, notwithstanding my pleas for her to put even a couple of weeks of food and water aside, states that “That can’t happen in America” and that she can always pop by the store if she needs anything.  My high school best friend, still a close friend, who thinks that maybe he should get a crossbow to threaten people who come to his doorstep if society collapses.  A f*cking crossbow.   Against a mob on his doorstep in a SHTF situation.


(Image source)


And on.  And on.  And on.

War drums beating with people – seemingly – eager to push-push-push America and Russia into direct confrontation.  Step by step brinkmanship.  Even with no intent on the part of the leadership (certainly I don’t think Putin wants a nuclear war, I’m not so sure about President Potato the real powers), I tremble thinking that a careless slip or misinterpretation of an action could be the spark, let alone a deliberate false flag event; remember that multiple US pols have said we would have to “respond in kind” if WMDs are used in Ukraine.  We have massive heat, we have an abundance of (figurative) fuel and oxygen… all that’s needed is ignition.  Accidental or intentional, the end result will be the same.


(Image source)



Someone sent me this proverb (purportedly from Africa).  It’s accurate.

When elephants fight, ants get crushed.

Prep.  Plan.  Pray.  And find your inner steel.  I very much fear you will need it, soon.  For the elephants are being herded into the arena for combat…



Hashem help us all.  And let us pray that if their plans come to fruition, there are enough people of our mindset to rebuild.  Give me Independence Hall 1776 (formatting edited from the original):

Just as the Rabbi said [to the Roman army commander] “Just give me Yavne” to save Judaism in the face of the inevitable & unstoppable Roman conquest, I say Just give me Independence Hall 1776 to save America and, more broadly, the West.  Give me people filled with the brushfire of liberty in their minds and a burning heart yearning for freedom, putting the Individual above The State, and all tempered with morality and responsibility.

And while I’ll still weep, and while I’ll still fight hoping to avert the collapse, I know that with people like this we will preserve the seed corn of liberty, and rebuild.




    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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