The Coronavirus and China’s Travel Ban

There are growing concerns about the spread of the Coronavirus and China’s travel ban.  The origination point of the disease is Wuhan Province, China. It has governments around the world implementing measures to protect their citizens.  The efforts to prevent the spread of the disease are being widely made. There is reason for concern.

Open borders people now want to screen for coronavirus…

The CDC is warning against travel to China.  The step up in screening of arriving passengers with potential exposure to the virus is welcome. A wide variety of political leaders, including those politicians who oppose immigration law enforcement and efforts to secure America’s borders are supporting the additional efforts. Why is that? Hypocrisy or just commonsense?

For example: New Jersey Senator Bob Melendez posted a news release on his official website, “demand coronavirus screenings at Newark airport as illness spreads.” It is hypocritical of these open-borders politicians to now want to increase the scrutiny of those who enter the country. They steadfastly oppose controlling the borders.
They are against construction of a wall to secure the southern border of the United States.

It is obvious illegal aliens who evade the inspections process entering the United States get no screening whatsoever.  This makes it impossible to check these individuals for carrying coronavirus. Did you know the first ground for excluding aliens from the United States today pertains to health-related issues? It is found under 8 U.S. Code § 1182, a section of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

History of Ellis Island

The inspections process has its origins with facilities such as Ellis Island, New York.  When it opened in 1892 it was the largest hospital facility in the United States. Of prime concern was prevention of the entry of aliens with communicable diseases. It was protection for the United States.

No one wants an epidemic. Aliens who suffered from serious mental illness or were physically incapable of working to support themselves were also screened. Millions of immigrants passed through Ellis Island during its decades in operation. They were on their way to their new lives in the United States. But, some aspiring immigrants were denied entry.

Consequently they and their families were forced to make a brutal decision.  When one family member was found inadmissible while the other members of the family got admittance they had to choose.  Should those families split up? Should some enter the U.S. while one or more members of their family went back to their native country? Or should they all return home to keep their family intact? That’s tough stuff.

Immigration law protects Americans

This cold, hard reality about Ellis Island is ignored by open borders advocates. They vilify immigration law enforcement officers, referring to them as “thugs.” They do things like signing into law bills providing illegal aliens with driver’s licenses. They at the same time block immigration law enforcement personnel from accessing DMV databases without a court order. Hypocrisy is alive and well.

In the face of increasing concern about the Coronavirus China has imposed a strict “travel ban.”  They are shutting down buses and trains and shuttering such public venues as movie theaters. No one decries this decision due to concerns that the virus could infect more people. Yet, when President Trump invoked a section of standing law to prevent the entry of aliens who could not be effectively vetted the media proclaimed that his Executive Order a “travel ban.”  They falsely claimed the ban was designed to prevent the entry to Muslims.  Trump took action to save lives by preventing the entry of terrorists. We are waiting for the outrage about the Chinese measures…
Trump’s Executive Order was unnecessary.

What he should have done was to issue a proclamation invoking the existing law. Under section (f) of 8 U.S. Code § 1182 the President authority to block the entry of aliens; if he determines the presence of such aliens would be “detrimental to the best interests of the United States.”

Trump’s action enforces law and protects Americans

The President ultimately did issue such a proclamation. The Supreme Court upheld his authority as President to take that action. On January 22, 2020, NPR reported, “Trump Says He’ll Add ‘A Few Countries’ To Controversial U.S. Travel Ban.” North Korea and Venezuela are certainly not “Muslim majority countries.” However they are on the list while Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim majority country, is not.

Unfortunately, President Trump has come to use the language of his opponents to describe his action. The Trump ‘Travel Ban’ Is Actually an Entry Restriction. Bottom line: dead is dead. Terrorists and viruses have the potential to kill. Both can create massive numbers of casualties.

It is clear to globalists and the Left, President Trump can never be correct. His prudent measures to protect our nation and our citizens from terrorism, transnational gangs and the flood of deadly illegal drugs are ridiculed and scorned. It matters not to the Left and the globalists that annually tens of thousands of Americans become victims. Those who promulgate “Sanctuary Policies” shielding criminals from detection and removal continue endangering innocent victims.


Voltaire said you should judge the intelligence of a man by the questions he asks.  Are you safer and better off since your town, city or state has been proclaimed a ‘sanctuary’ for illegal aliens by the current political ‘leaders’ of our city/state?  Voters must ask the question. We must support candidates seeking to defeat the politicians who have foisted anarchy on law-abiding citizens across our nation. For all the concerns about the spread of the Coronavirus and China’s travel ban maybe we should be asking different questions in America.

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