So, to those who care, the home crisis seems to have passed for the better. I am hopeful this will continue. Certain fundamental issues have not been fully resolved – but given what seems to be coming, and right soon, I’ll take what I can get for as long as I can. The world is uncertain and getting more squirrely; I cannot prep to any ability with the home also in chaos, or worse my being in a divorce court.
I pray with all my heart that people with 1776 in their hearts can unite, under Ronaldus Maximus’ dictum, to set aside what differences we may have against the common Left / Globalist enemy. For if we continue to circular-firing-squad over our differences, our in-lockstep enemies win for sure. To cite a Klingon proverb:
(Image source)
So let us unite. We may not worship the same deity, we may differ on some topics, but we revere LIBERTY. We want to preserve America as a Republic, and more broadly save Western Civilization. And our faiths, insofar as the Ten Commandments and many other things, share similar traits.
Join me in fighting our common enemy: the Socialist Globalists. For, as the sage Franklin noted:
(Link to AZQuotes per their policy)