Nothing Fair About It

Every now and people who appear rational find themselves repeating nonsense, usually in the Nashua Telegraph which is one of New Hampshire leading sources for editorial nonsense.  This time around it’s a guest commentary from Robert Collinsworth, who has an internet footprint large enough to identify him as an otherwise sensible guy.  So why has he taken to the editorial pages to sell the left wing meme that there is a gender/wage gap?

I only bring it up because his reasoning is right out of the liberal weenie play book.  Women only make 0.78/$1.00 compared to men.  He then asks why Republicans in the US senate are blocking the liberal legislation being sold as a fix, as if we can and should trust this unexplored talking point.

Rather than try explore any one persons motivations or sanity, we should probably just look deeper into the issue, and a Bill that looks like it creates more problems than it solves.  (Links and resources on the jump.) 

Like most liberal shibboleths Paycheck Fairness is based on incomplete analysis to pander to a bloc of voters the democrats have identified as worthy of their endless grievance mongering.  To repeat their talking points is, as far as I can tell, not worthy of Mr. Collinsworth or anyone else.

This is not an issue that can be evaluated strictly on the price paid for an hour of labor averaged across the full spectrum of work and wages.  To do so ignores every other factor in life, the free market, and the real danger that the legislative solution being proposed creates.

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[Updated] Why You Should Contact Senator Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell[ UPDATED Senator McConnell has officially come out against earmarks:“Today, I am announcing that I will join the Republican leadership in the House in support of a moratorium on earmarks in the 112th Congress,” he said].

NYT Link Here

Original post

Senator Mitch McConnell (R- KY) is said to be working to undermine an effort at banning earmarks in the US Senate.  This is not surprising.  Senators, as a rule, abuse the privilege more.  And while appropriations of this nature amount to a fraction of the total budget, it is an impressive fraction that rarely serves the interests of anyone more than the Seantor themselves.

Was it Carol Shea-Porter, 2012 congressional candidate in waiting who said that earmarks are necessary so that the state can get back it’s fair share of the federal taxes it’s residents pay?  Or was that Hodes?  Does it matter? Sure, congressman abuse them as well, even those who swear they have sworn them off.

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The Biggest Special Interest Of All

Two Sheets PleaseThere’s something you might want to keep in mind about the state level Democrat wind machine as we move forward toward 2012.  It has been their practice to ignore their own out of state campaign dollars as they attack anyone or anything on the Republican side with even the most tenuous connection to influence from outside the state.  Even the governor has stood up and declared that he is against the influence of money from outside the state, while hundreds of thousands have poured into his pockets from places farther  and wider than the political borders of the Granite State.  But that’s all superficial by comparison to this.

How do governor Lynch, Chairman Buckley, presumptive democrat candidates for 2012 at every level, the whole of the democrat party, even their RINO sympathizers, explain why they embrace massive infusions of out of state money and all the disruptive influence it has at the state and local level…from the federal government?

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Is Carol Shea-Porter anti-millitary?

Carol Seiu-Porter’s energy policy agenda actually costs the US military billions of dollars more per year in increased fuel and energy costs. Stephen Hayward at the Weekly Standard estimated that every $10/barrel added to the price of oil costs the defense department (and you) one billion dollars more per year.

Public Service Is About Trust

I’d just assume have a root canal without pain killer as suffer through an editorial by Carol Shea-Porter, but sometimes you have to take one for the team. So I have immersed myself in the last rights editorial of the soon to be former congresswoman from New Hampshire’s first district, which is ironically titled, ‘Public Service is about trust.’


Before I proceed let me offer up a comment on Carol’s notion of trust.  In traditional progressive fashion the meaning of trust has had to have been tortured before admitting under duress and threat of death to its friends and family members, that Carol’s application of it’s meaning holds any relevance at all to the historical application.  In fact Carol’s willingness to even use the word in this context, nay–any context at all–in reference to what she refers to as her public service, is a public disservice to the word, the language, the people of the first district, and serves to cement the likelihood that she is the disconnected, ruling class political shill we suspect her to be, if not also clinically insane.

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DC Puppet?

A vote for John Lynch is a vote for Obamacare. John Lynch has not demonstrated any interest in protecting the state of New Hampshire from federal meddling of any kind.  He takes their money, strings attached, to hide his bad budgeting and big spending.  He’s accepted federal education money even though it was written with … Read more

Obama Appleseed

Unions are basically socialist constructs, huge businesses whose product is workers dues dollars.  They cannot Feel The Power of The Dark Sidesurvive without them so they need to manipulate the business/worker environment to maximize their income earning potential.

The biggest union scam ever conceived was the public sector union.  Taxpayer funded employees pay dues which are then used to influence elections at every level in favor of a political class that will then build union power by growing government, and adding more dues paying union employees whose additional funds will then keep the pro-union politicians in power.

Want to know why democrats care about public school class sizes?  More teachers, more dues, more democrats.  It has nothing to do with learning.  Now project that thinking across the entire "grow government" universe and you have a massive scheme to swell the bureaucracy at your expense that should be illegal but is not.  But with Obama serving as their Johnny Appleseed, using your money–provided by the democrat congress–he’s been creating and saving dues paying public union jobs (and democrat campaign coffers) all over the nation.

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

The big government liberals have favored the notion of guilty until proven innocent, mostly with their opponents, for as long as we can remember.  Most recently it’s been cries of hate and racism without evidence, and more recent still accusations of using foreign money in US elections, again without proof and without parity.  They take more money from similar groups, or have provided evidence of real hate and racism without any desire to do anything about it.

Unless you are a progressive, you are guilty until proven innocent.

Then there was the woman who had her baby taken from her by child and family services right after she gave birth, here in New Hampshire.  Another case of the big government bureaucrat reacting first and asking questions later.  And it has happened again.

This time in Pennsylvania.  A young mother loses her baby to the government because of the results of a hospital policy to test new mothers for drugs  when they come in to give birth.  (And the liberals like Carol Shea-Porter want to give the government complete control over your body and your life in the form of federally managed heath care, of your retirement accounts, your energy, everything.)

This is just another example of the ‘utopia’ they have planned for you. There are strict rules, to be mishandled by incompetent, unimpeachable bureaucrats, handed down by the incumbent ruling class, that only apply to the rest of us. And we see it everywhere in the Obama/Democrat majority. The left’s leadership has been showing you their cards.  The laws do not apply to them.  They will not prosecute their own ruling class or its supporters.  But you?  You are guilty until proven innocent.

This mother lost her newborn for five days….because of a bagel.  

(We have video on the jump.)

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Ok, Like, This Is Me On The defict, Eh.

In twenty months the democrats have added $3,039,049,594,342.88 dollar deficit. (That’s trillions). That’s more debt than the entire history of America from its founding to 1990.

Lynch Updates

Swing on over to to check out some of the most recent ‘lies.’  There’s a new one posted that is near and dear to my heart.  (I’ve been talking about it for years) It reminds us that John Lynch’s support of RGGI is a broad based tax that has sucked 25 million dollars out … Read more

Fiskal Konservative

…a diarist from the Daily KoS, expects you to believe that he is actually been undercover, hiding so far up under the left wing, that he would be permitted to keep and maintain a diary at the Daily KoS.

Destroying The Future Of America

Image Credit: Mattox Firearms school.comDemocrats continue to insist that they created jobs.  To do this they extracted trillions from our economic future in an effort to create jobs that did not yet exist–that perhaps were  not needed yet.  Looking at similar exercises, cash for clunkers–which moved car sales forward a few months but has since resulted in a collapse in the market; the home mortgage bail outs, supports, credits, and the "home affordable" programs which improved home sales briefly but which have since collapsed (also to historic lows); and then there’s the stimulus, several public sector employee bailouts, bank lending infusions, small business bills, and everything in between including health care reform–many trillions spent, all made with claims that they would create, save, or incentivize job creation.

Lets concede the possibility that some jobs were saved or created with money from the future.  Let’s also, for academic purposes,  concede the number of 1.4 million-3.3 million jobs saved or created ( quote from Paul Hodes campaign if that matters).  What happens now?  Even if we can agree to these figures the mathematical reality is that despite these efforts, and at great expense, we still lost more jobs than we saved or created.  Millions are still unemployed with hundreds of thousands more people working less, working shorter hours, or who have given up looking altogether just in the 12 months since someone declared the recession over.  We got a net sum loss with the price of admission, and that debt is now looming over our ability to sustain or improve the job picture moving forward because of the Faustian fiscal political calculation the democrats made in what now appears to be a series of vote getting scams gone horribly wrong.

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What About Union Campaign Ethics

Bill O’Brien, the next speaker of the New Hampshire House, has drafted a bill for next session meant to resolve the conflict of interest that exists when state employees campaign for state politicians.  Mr. O’Brien’s motivation, as reported in an article in the morning UL by John DiStaso, is Pam Walsh who  collected thousands in political consulting fees from Teflon John Lynch while employed by the state.

The State Union objects to the bill on the grounds that the language in the proposed bill is too broad, that no state employee would be able to work for anyone running for office in the state.  But maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

When you boil it down, there really isn’t any difference between a lobbyist and a public service union member who draws a taxpayer funded paycheck.  These folks have an immediate financial interest in who is elected to office.  They actually pay an entity (the union) to represent them in negotiations with the very government for whom they work, for the purpose of expanding their share of taxpayer patronage, a goal that is directly affected by who is elected to office.  Their natural inclination will be to support politicians who will reward them with financial remuneration and/or expand union access or power to achieve similar gains.  Not only is it a conflict of interest, it is a home field advantage that no other voter or taxpayer can hope to compete with, paid for by the taxpayers themselves from the dues paid out of taxpayer funded paychecks.

Why is this even legal? 

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MilkingThe Union Cow

MooCarol Seiu-Porter gets 50% of her PAC money from Unions.  You remember the Unions?  Their leadership extorts taxpayer dollars away from the real workers to pay union employees then demands that they tithe  money to them for the privilege of doing it again.  Then they give some of it to Carol so she can help protect their interests.

That’s hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars filtered through union employees to a candidate they might not even support.

Carol also gets another 48% from congressional PAC’s, most of whom are heavily funded by unions.  These are congresspersons–some of them avowed socialists–who like Carol see no problem in giving the public sector employees more feed than those who work to feed them.

In exchange for that money Carol supports everything the unions want whether it is good for New Hampshire or not.  She loves their golden goose, card check, which would eliminate the secret ballot for organizing a union.  It allows unions to strong arm people into joining.  Unions do still do that.  Ask her AFL-CIO Buddy Richard Trumka. (and here).  And while I’m at it some of my own ruminations Here, Here, and Here. (and why not here as well).

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The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

This from the "Pot calling the kettle black" files: Ray Buckley is grinding his little Facebook propaganda mill again in an effort to get the liberal-regressive’s to put down the latte’s and lose the sad little faces from the implosion of Obama’s partisan, moonbeam,  Che Guevara cotillion and get their little rumps in gear to save his chairmanship.

This weeks episode: Citizens United destroyed campaign finance law because the democrats are (according to Buckley) being outspent 8 to 1.  The real problem is that others can now compete with unions and the lefts monster cash apparatus and Ray is just whining about the sudden appearance of real equality.

All one needs to do is sell their soul to a billionaire or industry that will spend millions destroying their opponent. That way the candidate will have only one master instead of those peksy constituents and $100 donors. But my point isn’t to state the obvious it is to slam the progressives unwilling to help.

And Ray would know all about that which is what makes this just so…damn…funny. So I’m clear on the hypocrisy part, (and by the way, when Republicans line up to object to liberal billionaire ATM’s that’s just nonsense) but I do have one question for Ray.  What is a "peksy" constituent?

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The Socialist

H/T benhoweblog

Left’s Got Nothing, So Let’s Take Out The Trash

Put this Congress Where It BelongsComparing 8/28 to 10/2 is a bit silly.  One was not meant to be political, the latter was entirely so.  8/28 inspired hundreds of thousands to share rides and come together in honor, One-Nation’s unions and CP activists paid for the buses that delivered their paltry numbers.  8/28 was a kind and caring event about thanks and personal reflection, 10/2 was a crowd of selfish, angry windbags looking to protect their free ride on the backs of the taxpayers, and to expand the totalitarian power of a huge central government. 

Not too many people seemed to want that.

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Komrad Karol SEIU-Porter-Constitutional Threat

Carol SEIU-Porter seems to think we need government.  That the Tea Party and others do not want any government.  That there is no role for government.  And while there is a minority of people within the various facets of the movement who might agree, most of us do not because anarchy leads to oligarchy and totalitarianism.  That’s just how people are wired.

So what’s Carol’s real problem?  She has several but lets focus on the fact that based on the context of yesterdays’ CD-1 debate she has more or less admitted to being one of Jonah Goldberg’s aptly defined ‘smiley-faced’ fascists.

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The Real Racists

The Democrats are so desperate that they have decided that the best way to win is to call up residents and tell them that the local Republican candidates are racists.  Racism is not the only charge but we don’t need them because we can work with what we have. The standard rule when dealing with … Read more

Tax Cuts For The “Insert name here”

Don’t expect ShaHodeSheaPorter to wrestle with this conundrum; while running for office in 2008 they insisted that the Bush Tax cuts were "for the rich," or "the wealthiest Americans."  The class warfare rhetoric made the case that Republicans didn’t provide tax relief for anyone else, and the democrats promised to remedy this the moment they were elected.  The result was to embark on a multi-trillion dollar spending binge that cannot possibly be paid for without taxes on everyone and everything–though they still insist otherwise.

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