Every now and people who appear rational find themselves repeating nonsense, usually in the Nashua Telegraph which is one of New Hampshire leading sources for editorial nonsense. This time around it’s a guest commentary from Robert Collinsworth, who has an internet footprint large enough to identify him as an otherwise sensible guy. So why has he taken to the editorial pages to sell the left wing meme that there is a gender/wage gap?
I only bring it up because his reasoning is right out of the liberal weenie play book. Women only make 0.78/$1.00 compared to men. He then asks why Republicans in the US senate are blocking the liberal legislation being sold as a fix, as if we can and should trust this unexplored talking point.
Rather than try explore any one persons motivations or sanity, we should probably just look deeper into the issue, and a Bill that looks like it creates more problems than it solves. (Links and resources on the jump.)
Like most liberal shibboleths Paycheck Fairness is based on incomplete analysis to pander to a bloc of voters the democrats have identified as worthy of their endless grievance mongering. To repeat their talking points is, as far as I can tell, not worthy of Mr. Collinsworth or anyone else.
This is not an issue that can be evaluated strictly on the price paid for an hour of labor averaged across the full spectrum of work and wages. To do so ignores every other factor in life, the free market, and the real danger that the legislative solution being proposed creates.