NEA-NH loves the ARRA

NEA New Hampshire is a-gush over the anniversary of the Stimu-less bill and they are not afraid to show it.  According to NEA-NH Insider the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)… …represents a huge win for education thanks to unprecedented funding increases targeted to local districts.  ARRA also included increases for Title I, stabilization funding, … Read more

Obama’s great middle class betrayal: It’s the taxes, stupid!

 Obama taxes middle class

Guest Post by Howard Rich 

As much as the Beltway chattering class refuses to admit it, Barack Obama’s electoral victory last year had nothing to do with his oft-repeated, generic pledge to bring “hope and change” to Washington, D.C. Sure it sounded good at the time, but Americans have always voted based on their wallets and pocketbooks – not lofty-sounding campaign promises or rhetorical flourishes.

The real key to Obama’s victory a year ago – indeed his “signature” issue – was his promise not to raise taxes on the middle class.

“You will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime,” Obama promised tens of millions of Americans making $250,000 or less. In fact, candidate Obama promised the middle class billions of dollars in tax cuts, part of his whole “spread the wealth around” plan.

“If you’re a family that’s making $250,000 a year or less, you will see no increase in your taxes,” Obama promised. “Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your personal gains tax, not any of your taxes.”

Never mind the fact that Obama’s plan would have hit income and payroll providers especially hard, rendering “middle class tax relief” irrelevant to the millions of workers heading toward already-crowded unemployment lines.

No matter how you look at it, though, what a difference a year makes.


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Peacemaker declares war. Location of enemy revealed…

  From the New York Times via David Horowitz’s Newsreal blog comes White House communications director Anita Dunn on the Administration’s view of the Fox News Channel: We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent. As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to … Read more

Obama Steps in to Help Save Farmers

  Hey, Let’s be careful out there! For as long as I can remember, I looked up to America’s farmers, believing them to be a self-sufficient group, able to grow crops, fix their own equipment and generally, being "of the earth"– respectable and hard working with down-home wisdom and generations of learned skills and techniques. Today, this … Read more

“Congress has a duty to make sure that partisan political or corrupt organizations like ACORN are no longer on the taxpayer dole.”

  September 18th, 2009, Fairfax, VA—Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today defended the constitutionality of the House-approved "Defund ACORN Act" against charges by Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) that the bill is designed to "inflict punishment" on ACORN "without trial." Yesterday, in a floor speech, Nadler claimed that the legislation was a "bill of … Read more

Sorry Charlie [Rangel]

Charlie Rangel  

Americans for Limited Government  Calls on Pelosi and Hoyer to Remove Rangel as Committee Chair, Launches

September 16th, 2009, Fairfax, VA—Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today in a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer called upon the duo to remove Congressman Charlie Rangel as the Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.

“Madame Speaker and Leader Hoyer, the time has come for you to remove Charles Rangel from the chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee. Any further delay will make you little more than willing accomplices to his malfeasance,”

Wilson wrote in his letter, explaining,

“Mr. Rangel’s nefarious financial wheeling and dealing has brought disgrace upon himself, his office, our nation, and your House. Time and again, he has been caught red handed violating tax laws and House rules, only to plead a degree of unmitigated ignorance absolutely intolerable for a man in his position.”

The letter cites several transgressions:

1) failure to report over $1 million in outside income and $3 million in business transactions as required by the House,

2) failure to disclose at least $650,000 in assets he had previously failed to list on his House financial disclosure forms,

3) failure to disclose to the IRS or on his financial disclosure forms $75,000 in rental income for a beach villa in the Dominican Republic,

4) violation of state laws by claiming three primary residences and broke municipal laws by maintaining four rent-controlled apartments,

5) violation of House rules by using congressional letterhead to solicit donations for an education center bearing his name at City College of New York, and

6) delinquency in paying his property taxes on two New Jersey parcels and failure to report the sale of a $1.3 million brownstone.

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American “strongman” not so welcome, it seems.

 Cult of Personality

Guest Post by Steven Cohen

While historians continue to be divided among the factual and the apocryphal, at the conclusion of the American Revolution, so the legend goes, George Washington was confronted by a movement within the Continental Army to declare him king. According to the story, a major proponent of the plan was Col. Lewis Nicola, a Frenchman who had fought under Washington alongside the colonists. The proposal was supported by a group of influential Army officers who evidently had little understanding of the man who had just led them to victory.

When Nicola put forth the idea for Washington’s consideration, he received an immediate response laced with scorn and revulsion: "Let me conjure you then, if you have any regard for your country, concern for yourself or for posterity, or respect for me, to banish these thoughts from your mind and never communicate, as from yourself or any one else, a sentiment of like nature."

Thus did the nation’s most revered Founding Father set the country on a democratic course that would explicitly reject the cult of personality. The ensuing centuries would produce dozens of American statesmen and scoundrels with unique qualities and defects that would capture the country’s attention and occasionally even its collective imagination, from presidents like Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK and Reagan, to demagogues like Huey Long and Joseph McCarthy. But unlike Argentina’s enthrallment with Juan and Eva Peron as well as numerous other examples in South America, Europe and the Far East, America has never succumbed to the cult of personality by surrendering its liberties to any movement based on a pledge of unquestioned devotion and loyalty to the will of a single individual.

Perhaps for the first time in our history since Washington, the nation’s present leader has come to power through the cult of personality, except this time he appears to welcome and encourage the movement surrounding him rather than reject it, as Washington did, in the interests of democracy. Barack Obama ran a campaign largely based on personal charisma as well as the promise of "change." As with most personality cults, he found a receptive audience among a restive electorate generally dissatisfied, if not disgusted, with the outgoing administration on many counts, including already out-of-control government spending and two wars that appeared to be going nowhere. The economy had already begun to crumble under the weight of a growing financial crisis. These were nearly perfect conditions for candidate Obama to seemingly parachute into the fray out of nowhere, armed with a studied "cool" demeanor, a genuine gift for eloquence, and a powerful ally in the news media that followed him with an unprecedented fawning obsequiousness that gave him a free pass on crucial issues such as legislative experience, personal judgment, and character.


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One czar down, many more to go…

  Gangster government loses a member of the "family" The Wall Street Journal is reporting this morning that the embattled "green jobs czar" Van Jones, an admitted commie, has stepped down from his post in the Obama Administration following the growing hue and cry over his controversial views and statements from the past: WASHINGTON — An … Read more

Hodes: I believe it’s important to be open and accessible”

  Here’s a video showing NH’s 2nd Congressional District representative Paul Hodes taking heat before and after press conference for not allowing constituents accessibility in an open town hall style meeting. With the canned response obviously stuck in his head, the hard to find Democratic Congressman claims he has "spoken to thousands of constituents in … Read more

Carol Shea Porter: “Not going back and forth on the Constitution”

Here is 1st CD Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter –in response to a question at Saturday’s Portsmouth, NH town hall meeting– reading a prepared statement provided for her as to why nationalizing the health care system and mandating insurance is, in fact, Constitutional. This comes days after a blunder in which she took heat for claiming the Constitution … Read more

Hey Granny, Uncle Sam wants YOU!

  No messin’ around. WHERE’S GRANNY? Grandma is quite popular these days. Well, unless we’re talking about Obama and his comrades in the ruling majority down in DC. They’re not so fond of her, apparently. Seems that when you get right down to it, they want granny to take a dirt nap…     [H/T: … Read more

Selective outrage?


[The following is an editorial from Americans for Limited Government (ALG) and is reprinted here with permission.]  

"If the Bush Administration had done it, there would be national outrage."

This phrase seems to be thrown about a lot recently with regard to the new administration and its ever-deepening slough of gross misconduct. Whether it’s Obama asking people to snitch on their neighbors to "", mocking the Special Olympics on prime time television, or issuing an ill-founded DHS memo targeting "disgruntled veterans" as possible terrorists, the president and his lieutenants have gotten away with record scandal in record time.

In fact, Barack Obama has received a pass from the Mainstream Media "Obamatons" the likes of which George W. Bush and his predecessors never would even have dreamed possible.

Well, one can now modify the aforementioned statement and likewise conjecture: "If Karl Rove had done it…"

In brief, David Axelrod, Barack Obama’s Senior Advisor, is up to his neck in corruption, which, not surprisingly, has been largely ignored by liberal news outlets—i.e., the Obamatons en masse. As Kenneth P. Vogel of Politico reports, AKPD Message and Media, a firm founded by Mr. Axelrod that currently employs his son, was awarded a significant $24 million advertising contract by Obama Administration allies in the Healthcare Reform debate. Conveniently enough, AKPD also owes Mr. Axelrod $2 million in severance dollars.

AKPD and another firm were contracted by a coalition of liberal groups and other entities—among them PhRMA—to produce and air two separate $12 million ad campaigns designed to bolster support for Barack Obama’s government-run healthcare plan. Mr. Axelrod’s close ties to both AKPD and the groups pushing Obama-care is raising a lot of eyebrows.

One of those miffed is House Republican Conference spokesman Matt Loyd, who had the following to say regarding the situation:

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Democrat Astroturfers in Portsmouth. The Movie

This is an excellent video report studying Democratic astroturfers (paid hacks & union thugs) in attendance outside yesterday’s Obamessiah sermon…      

The REAL clunker…

From our friends at Americans for Limited Government:

Scandals? Whatchewtalkin’bout? We don’t see nuthin’…



Gangster Gov’t

Guest post by Nancy Morgan [Originally published at]

Silent Scandals

Most Americans love a good scandal. Schadenfreude, the taking of pleasure from the misfortunes of others, is a basic element of human nature. Granted, not the prettiest, but nonetheless, there is something deeply satisfying about seeing the mighty brought low, the arrogant humbled and the wrongdoer getting his just dessert. A reminder to us all that misfortune is not ours alone.
Mainstream media obliges and indulges this base emotion, as ever more ‘news’ concentrates on he said, she said imbroglios. Ratings soar as the latest Palin/Letterman twist is breathlessly reported. Internet news providers join in by posting the most lurid and shocking aberrations of the unlucky few who had the misfortune to get caught in what the media decides is a ‘scandal’.
Oddly enough, despite the guaranteed ratings that accompany most scandals, the media is choosing to ignore what many consider major scandals – or would consider major scandals if they were actually reported. But they’re not. The media, working in tandem with liberals, oops, progressives, now decide which scandals get coverage, raising the question, ‘Is it still a scandal if its not reported?’ Inquiring minds want to know.
In just the last month, an unusual number of what were formerly regarded as scandals went unnoticed and largely unreported by the old media, to wit:
Obama recently fired an Inspector General of Americorps, giving him one hour to resign or be fired. This, in direct contradiction to legislation Obama co-sponsored as Senator, requiring 30 day notice and an explanation. Obama, after railing at Fox News for their audacity in pointing this out, declared that he didn’t fire Gerald Walpin because he was investigating a friend and contributor of Obama. No, he was firing him because the Inspector General was ‘confused and disoriented’.
Needless to say, if Obama took the time to personally fire everyone who was ‘confused and disoriented’, he’d start with his own press secretary and then go on to, well, I digress.

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