The Real Racists - Granite Grok

The Real Racists

The Democrats are so desperate that they have decided that the best way to win is to call up residents and tell them that the local Republican candidates are racists.  Racism is not the only charge but we don’t need them because we can work with what we have.

The standard rule when dealing with liberal slime balls is that whatever they accuse you of, they are guilty of themselves.  When it comes to racism, why not ask the democrats, and the NHDP leadership, why they have not condemned racism and voter fraud perpetrated by the New Black Panther Party?

Was there a call for justice when men with night sticks were filmed intimidating white voters at the Polls?  

And where was the outrage at calls to exterminate of white cracker babies?  There was none.   Any racist acts by democrats or their fellow travelers are simply a means to an end.

So you see the problem?  Democrats are racists.  And they don’t care what race as long as they can use it to accumulate power.  Race is a tool to divide the people so that they can fill the divisions with the power and influence of more government.  So the thing they fear most are candidates who feel more comfortable with letting the people make decisions for themselves.  The left is afraid of freedom and self reliance becasue it denies them the ability to grow government, increase regulation, and then tax the populace for the pleasure.

They can’t admit it, so instead they project it on others, in an effort to hold power thorough lies, fear, and intimidation.


