First the CDC and now NH is deciding that NH Gov. Chris Sununu’s anti-constitutional message of “Public Health trumps Everything” needs messaging itself (reformatted, emphasis mine):
Awe! Thin Skinned Wokester New Yorkers Get Their Widdle Feelz Hurt – Complain That’s A Crime
It’s just Floridians saying “We reject your culture – don’t bring it here.” They’ve realized that Culture matters and it matters a LOT. Don’t pull a Zandra Rice-Hawkins and bring your Progressive culture to our Free State.
Americans Are Voting with Their Feet and It Is Clear Who the Winners Are, and the Losers.
As many have been saying, people are on the move in America. Changing addresses, voting with their feet. And it is clear who the winners are, and the losers.
Note to Leftist Economic Illiterates – A Government Distorted Market is NOT a Free Market
The Left continues to try and redefine our common language out from underneath us in order to push an Agenda. In this case, it’s about getting us to stop driving and to rely upon on the Government to provide transport.
NH Is First in Freedom in the 50 States (Again!)
When most people think about the relative amount of freedom they are permitted in the different states, they will focus on one or two policy areas. Debates over which state is the “most free” devolve into an argument where one person is primarily considering sales tax, another might be relying on differences in gun laws, and a third is thinking only about victimless crimes.
Notable Quote – Decisions leading to Serfdom versus Freedom.
Emphasis mine:
The promotion of collectivism is combined with the profession of individualist values.
There’s Only One Response to Every Lefty “Crisis” – More Government! Part 1
I didn’t just want to show off the new Eco-Socialist-Treehugger logo that Steve just built for me – ain’t it wonderful? Sadly, the ideas that spawned his snarky take on Treehugger (well deserved, of course) NEVER seem to result in the persuasion of the Individual.
Sometimes You Actually Have to “Fight” for Freedom
Some thoughts have floated through my head after attending the nice Veterans’ Day ceremony in Laconia this morning. Veterans’ Day now honors all active and retired Armed Forces members. It matters not whether they served in wartime or peacetime or whether they volunteered or were drafted.
Finding Freedom
My late husband (also an economist) defined government as “the home invasion robbery that never ends” (miss that guy!). His flip description from years back seems painfully accurate today.
We Need to Stop Being Silent Bystanders
“Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.”
– Harper Lee
The Subjugation of America Thru the Law of Contract
One good way to figure out what Joe Biden is doing is to look for a pattern. My assertion is that he using the power of contract to impose a vaccine mandate. My assertion is that he cannot simply issue a generalized vaccine mandate on all citizens because,
Free Cheese – or Free Men?
I attended the Executive Council meeting with Governor Sununu on 10/13/21 at the Police Standards and Training campus in Concord.
300 citizens concerned with $27Million in Federal Covid Vaccine Funds with strings attached attended the meeting.
Chris Sununu – ‘Capitalist Hero’
Wednesday’s Executive Council meeting was noteworthy. Our Governor confused Socialism with Capitalism and our ill-prepared Executive Council failed to disabuse him of that mistake.
This letter is to the women out there. I need to ask you something. Are you feeling it? That lump of anxiety in your chest suspended over a hollow feeling in your stomach. Something is happening, and our children are in danger.
Joe Rogan – “We Have to Protect Those Freedoms at All Costs!”
Take 2 minutes of your time to watch this. Note: two F-words used so not entirely safe at work or around little ones:
Promoted from the Comments – Are creating City-States the way to go on splitting the Country?
(Image H/T: Unanimous AI) Both EdMosca and I commented on the same poll but from different aspects of it: Some Good News … More Americans Supporting Separating Into Two Countries Polling Numbers Favor Having an “Elected Monarch” …? However, it was one of the comments from his post that caught eye and I thought it … Read more
Data Point – What IS it about America That Allows It to Create The Wealthies Among Us?
Featured Image Credit:
This is a bit out of date (published 9/28 and Elon is now worth over $200 billion), the question’s answer is almost obvious – but my humble opinion is after this infographic.
Data Point – Is It That Teachers and Their Unions Are Driving This, at Least in Part?
Is it that teachers and their unions are driving this, and if so, will they drive this more or recognize that their behaviors need to be wound back?
CARTOON: The Oldest Sacrifice Made Anew
My latest cartoon. Next week I’ll probably re-run something from “a while ago” as – at $150 a pop – it’s starting to make a dent in the budget.
From Krisanne Hall – The Movie: “NonCompliant”
I first met KrisAnne Hall at a Government Integrity Project at the Crossing Life Church in Windham, NH. A very good speaker; she knows her material cold, has an engaging (on the serious side but it fits for the serious subject matter) style of speaking – an urgency for we Americans to wake up and take note of what is happening.