Finding Freedom

by Op-Ed

My late husband (also an economist) defined government as “the home invasion robbery that never ends” (miss that guy!). His flip description from years back seems painfully accurate today.

The good news is freedom-loving entrepreneurs who have read Ayn Rand, are incorrigible, and WILL NOT COMPLY.

Job and healthcare portals have sprung up to help unvax’d citizens find work and locate courageous independent doctors, nurse practitioners, and specialists willing to provide care.

I’ll update the lists below in the future. Many of these portals below are just getting started. All of them would appreciate getting more employer openings and physician listings. Please consider adding your job opening and health service to their “growing” sites.


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Free Market Employment

The Hill recently reported 70% of unvaccinated Americans would quit their jobs if mRNA vaccines are mandated at work.

Well, that day is here.

The following job sites were recently launched to help unvaccinated folks find work. Red Balloon and the No Vax Mandate Job Board at Gab look like early entrants in this space. Being paranoid (meaning sensible) I would use these pages as “starting places” to search for vax-free work. Then, go to an established site you trust (e.g., Linkedin) to search for a business of interest you identify and directly send them your private information or resume – at least for now.

Red Balloon. This job portal is “taking a stand against forced vaccinations” according to its CEO Andrew Crapuchettes. Red Balloon seeks to connect employers who are looking for employees “regardless of their vaccination status.”

No Vax Mandate Job Board. Gab CEO Andrew Torba has added a “No Vax Mandate Job Board” to his popular social networking site. Site lists and updates job openings for each state.

No Vax Jobs USA. The site states it was created to help “Employers That Value Personal Liberty!” The page states it “is not an ‘anti-vax’ website”; its intent is to “help connect like-minded, independent thinkers with employers that value their employees personal choices.”

Vax Free Staffing. Lists a variety of jab-free job openings located across the country.

No Vax Mandate Job Board. Lists job openings & job seekers from around the country.

Jobs Not Jabs. The site states that its purpose is: “Uniting Freedom Loving Employers and Employees: A vaccine free career is out there. We’ll help you find it.”

Provision Jobs. According to the webpage, it will “assist job seekers in their research of companies who are NOT mandating their employees take medical procedures as a condition of employment. Please do your due diligence on our website to find job listings that may be a good fit for you.”

Unvaxxxed Workers Job Board. Site has job openings currently available both in the United States and internationally.

Vaccine Free Jobs. A brand new site – looks like it is just starting up.

Jab Free Jobs. Describes itself as “strictly a community board for those that are Looking or Hiring for a Jab Free Job.”

Scanning the news, you can also discover specific states which are independently seeking unvax’ed workers in critical-shortage areas. No one likes moving. But Nebraska (for example) is recruiting unvaccinated nurses amid severe healthcare staffing shortages.

Free Market Medicine

Websites are also emerging to guide patriots to local healthcare providers who welcome both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients. These providers appear to operate as “concierge medicine” offices, meaning they do not accept traditional health insurance but charge a quarterly fee for access to appointments and exams by a physician. There are also websites which can help find a doctor for Covid19 prescriptions which do not involve Brandon’s mRNA “vaccines.”

Join The Wedge. This physician-referral portal calls itself “a free trade zone for health care.” Why call it “The Wedge?” As the website explains: “ Within the sphere of health care, there is a space of health freedom that exists today in third-party-free practices. We wanted to protect and grow that space of freedom so that patients and doctors would always have a place to escape from the current system of corporate and government controls…We want this free-trade zone to be:

  1.  identified and recognized as a space of freedom,
  2.  made visible to the American public,
  3.  legally protected and
  4. greatly expanded for the sake of individualized patient care, medical excellence, and health freedom for all.”

Your choice of local offices listed for New Hampshire is currently small. However, appears to be growing participant numbers each month as I’ve followed them. Both family practices, as well as specialists, are listed at the site.

America’s Frontline Doctors. Many of you have heard of them. The portal has information from medical experts on both mRNA vaccines and established anti-viral treatments such as HCQ and Ivermectin. They provide an online referral service for requesting prescriptions for the latter types of Covid19 medications.

Of course, an important way to care for your health is to review your daily habits. Eat a healthy diet, get more Vitamin D (many Americans severely lack it), and get out for walks. I’m no physician – but we can all do small things – no Trillion-dollar Federal program needed!

If you have additional ideas and resources, please share comments below!


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