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Is The FBI still credible?

When former President Obama took office he set about “reforming” every agency including the FBI to being Islamic tolerant; no more “Islamic terrorist” description, no more, no way was Islam to be described in anything except a positive light. Is it now finally reasonable to ask, does the FBI have a credibility problem?

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US Capitol Bldg behind security fence

J6 Commission: Republicans Should Invoke the Officer Michael Byrd Defense

The J6 Commission is the Establishment’s latest Mueller Investigation. A Total BS wind machine whose only purpose is to fill the media’s sails. Keep their fantasy narrative alive. And seeing it for what it is, some Republicans have refused to cooperate.

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assault, shooter

2020: Gun Crazy New Hampshire Has Lowest Murder Rate in the Nation

New Hampshire has constitutional carry. The Left likes to call that sort of landscape The Wild West™. Blood in the streets, human sacrifice, cats and dogs, living together, mass hysteria. But it never happens.

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National School Board Association (NSBA) Loses 40% of Its Annual Funding After 17 States Sever Ties – But Do They Care?

I’m not sure who thought it was a good idea to label parents attending school board meetings as terrorists, but the National School Board Association (NSBA) has lost roughly $1.1 million in annual dues from states since the announcement.

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Man Fire newspaper

How the FBI Looks at BLM and Antifa Compared to Concerned Parents

I feel confident saying that the modern Left’s brown and black shirts are interested in thuggery against parents appearing before school boards, but that’s not quite what I mean when I write BLM and Antifa vs. Concerned Parents.

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FBI logo

Parents Start Calling for Merrick Garland’s Resignation

Based on whistleblower documentation, we now know that the FBI used counterterrorism tools to investigate parents.

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Diarly - journal original Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Does Ashley Biden’s Diary Say Anything About Alana Biden Stealing Votes in NH?

The FBI wasn’t all that interested in Hunter Biden’s Laptop. Not really. But President Biden’s daughter, Ashley, had her diary “stolen” before the election. And this past week the FBI executed Raids in search of this prized possession.

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FBI logo

Where Else is the FBI Flying Drones to Surveil Americans?

While the FBI did near to nothing to intervene in the months of riots that took place last summer, one they did do was fly surveillance drones. Why?

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US Capitol Bldg behind security fence

Was the January 6th “Insurrection” an FBI Operation … WHO IS RAY EPPS?

In the video contained in Representative Massie’s tweet (below), there is a man instigating pro-Trump protesters on January 5th “to go into the Capitol” on January 6th. His name is Ray Epps.

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Crying Masked Child

We MUST Stop Allowing the Government to ABUSE our Children

American children have suffered enormously under the mandates and ‘guidance’ of the most fraudulent and evil government employee in the history of our country – ‘Dr.’ Anthony Fauci. He has put outrageously useless mandates in place in coordination with the CDC and the teacher’s unions that have irrevocably harmed our children.

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Sun King Sununu

Biden Regime’s War on WrongThink … A Tale of Two Governors

As you know if you have read Skip’s post, the Biden regime has criminalized WrongThink about public education. More specifically, the FBI is being used to intimidate parents into not criticizing junk-science COVID mandates and the racist poison euphemistically called critical race theory.

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Kids VR Ed Tech

The Self-Destruction of Public Schools

Earlier this week the U.S. Attorney General issued a memorandum calling on the FBI to address parents who attend school board meetings to voice their opinions.  He does mention those who have been violent or made threats of violence. I would hope those rare instances have been addressed by local law enforcement because that kind of behavior is unlawful and should not be tolerated.

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Bitcoin laptop digital currency

Free the Crypto 6

In March, the FBI raided a home in Keene, New Hampshire, ultimately arresting six and seizing property whose worth is estimated in the millions. The charges, simplified, are money laundering using bitcoin.

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Obi Wan Kenobi figure

Rudy Giuliani Thinks I’m Obi Wan Kenobi

For several days, maybe weeks, I’ve been getting the same email from former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani several times each day. It says, basically, “Help me, Steve, you’re my only hope.”

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If You Think There’s a Difference Between the FBI and the Stasi … Think Again

The Stasi’s mission was to keep the Communist Party in power. The FBI’s mission during and since the Obama administration has been to keep the Democrat Party in power.

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Delemus flag uniform Bundy Ranch

Jerry Delemus Is Getting Early Release on November 9.!!!

Some good news to wake up with. NH activist Jerry Delemus is getting an early release from jail. He was targeted and strong-armed into a plea deal related to his presence at the Bundy Ranch during the standoff with the FBI in 2014. Jerry will be coming home on November 9th.

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The Insurrection Hoax …

If I had a bitcoin for every time some communist anchorman on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, etc. or communist (or NeverTrump) congressman has breathlessly declaimed about the “January 6th insurrection,” I would be the richest man in history because there likely are not enough bitcoins to cover every instance. Despite the GOP … with a … Read more

Delemus flag uniform Bundy Ranch

The Purge

It seems the FBI, through the DOJ, is in the process of “investigating” a number of those who were outspoken about the attempted coup to undo the Trump campaign and his presidency.

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Keene Raid on Free Talk Live

Our Long and Mutually Beneficial Detente Ended on 3/16/2021

Attn: Juan Cruz, U.S. General Services Administration, New England: In March of 1930, Mohandas Gandhi sent a letter to the British viceroy of India, listing a series of grievances, advocating for Indian secession, and essentially promising to march across much of the continent in defiance of a hated salt tax.

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media spoon feeding

This is Why No One Trusts The Media…

Where is the follow-up to President Biden, responding to a supposedly unscripted question at his press conference, saying that he can answer after he finds the card? Remember a “hard-hitting” journalist asking the president if his “kindness” is the cause of the surge at the Southern border?

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