2020: Gun Crazy New Hampshire Has Lowest Murder Rate in the Nation

New Hampshire has constitutional carry. The Left likes to call that sort of landscape The Wild West™. Blood in the streets, human sacrifice, cats and dogs, living together, mass hysteria. But it never happens.

Year after year, the Democrats ply their false narratives in pursuit of their disarmament agenda, and year after year, New Hampshire remains one of the safest states in the nation.

2020 was no different for the Granite State despite the increase in violence (peaceful protests) and chaos instigated by Democrats in large urban areas that drove murder rates nationally to their highest rate in over 25 years.

New Hampshire had the fewest murders per capita in the US and the second-lowest rate for all violent crime (source).


Rank Geo Murders per 100,000 people, 2020 Total murders, 2020 Violent crimes per 100,000 people, 2020
1 Louisiana 15.8 734 639
2 Missouri 11.8 723 543
3 Arkansas 10.6 321 672
3 Mississippi 10.6 315 291
5 South Carolina 10.5 549 531
6 Alabama 9.6 471 454
6 Tennessee 9.6 663 673
8 Illinois 9.1 1,151 426
8 Maryland 9.1 553 400
10 Georgia 8.8 943 400
11 North Carolina 8.0 852 419
12 Pennsylvania 7.9 1,009 390
13 New Mexico 7.8 164 778
14 Michigan 7.6 754 478
15 Indiana 7.5 505 358
16 Delaware 7.4 73 432
16 Oklahoma 7.4 296 459
18 Kentucky 7.2 323 259
19 Ohio 7.0 820 309
20 Arizona 6.9 513 485
21 Alaska 6.7 49 838
22 Texas 6.6 1,931 447
22 West Virginia 6.6 117 356
24 Virginia 6.1 524 209
25 Florida 5.9 1,290 384
26 Nevada 5.7 180 460
27 California 5.6 2,203 442
28 Wisconsin 5.3 308 323
29 Colorado 5.1 294 423
30 Montana 5.0 54 470
31 South Dakota 4.5 40 501
32 New York 4.2 808 364
32 North Dakota 4.2 32 329
34 Connecticut 3.9 140 182
34 Washington 3.9 301 294
36 New Jersey 3.7 329 195
37 Nebraska 3.6 69 334
38 Iowa 3.5 111 304
39 Kansas 3.4 100 425
39 Minnesota 3.4 190 278
41 Utah 3.1 102 261
41 Wyoming 3.1 18 234
43 Rhode Island 3.0 32 231
44 Hawaii 2.9 41 254
44 Oregon 2.9 125 292
46 Massachusetts 2.3 160 309
47 Idaho 2.2 41 243
47 Vermont 2.2 14 173
49 Maine 1.6 22 109
50 New Hampshire 0.9 12 146


Maine and Vermont, also constitutional carry states, are in the top three (again), though we expect liberal influences to undermine second amendment protections soon. They can’t help themselves.

The edges are already fraying in Vermont and Maine while Dems in New Hampshire continue to tug at the fabric of liberty. If they are successful, you’ll see this advantage begin to dwindle. It is the nature of progressive politics.

Democrats do, after all, destroy everything they touch.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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