Rudy Giuliani Thinks I’m Obi Wan Kenobi

Steve MacDonald

For several days, maybe weeks, I’ve been getting the same email from former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani several times each day. It says, basically, “Help me, Steve, you’re my only hope.”

I’m Obi Wan Kenobi which is cool, but I think I’d rather be Batman. Maybe not. Lightsabers and the Force are cool but if you are going for a superhero persona, being a rich guy who can design and buy cool gadgets seems more in the realm of possibility.

Bezos could be Batman, but he wanted to be a rocketman, and I think he’s a bit old for the gig. Elon Musk could pull it off (maybe), but I think he’s busy moving out of California.

That leads us back to Rudy and why I’m Obi Wan Kenobi (and maybe you as well).

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You may truly be my only hope.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’m fighting for my freedom.
At 6:00 in the morning, there was a loud BANG outside my door. 7 FBI agents presented a warrant to raid my apartment and seize electronic devices from my home.


Rudy for raided by Hunter Biden’s pals at the FBI. They couldn’t find anything to prosecute him or his father on his laptop (Much like they could not find anything from Huma Abedin on Tony Weiners Laptop to prosecute Hillary). But I bet they find child porn on one of Rudy’s. Or something.

Rudy is fishing for financial support to pay his legal costs, another thing neither Hunter, Lunchbox, or Shrillery had to do – They tossed the Weiner under the bus).

I’m not saying you should donate to him, or support him, or believe him, but he has been targeted like other Trump allies, and that will continue. Squeeze someone until they squeal, and if they won’t bag them for process crimes and toss them in prison ‘cuz it sends a message. Don’t align yourself with them. Do not help them. Avoid those people, or this could be you.

It’s an evil empire. These guys are the stormtroopers. And they probably have better aim.

Your job is to see “investigations” like this and then fall in line.

As Alan Dershowitz wisely pointed out, “In banana republics, in … many parts of the world, when a candidate loses for president, they go after the candidate, they go after his lawyers, they go after his friends… That’s happening in America now. They’re going after Rudy Giuliani.”

Since Obama weaponized these agencies, that’s where we are and where we live, and they’re not just going after Rudy. Anyone near DC on January 6th is a target, too, and so are we just for doing what we do. But we knew that and we’re still at it, and so are you, because the reality of it is that we are our only hope.

We need to step up and save the country. And we need to have each other’s backs, or this thing called America is over.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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