Where is the follow-up to President Biden, responding to a supposedly unscripted question at his press conference, saying that he can answer after he finds the card? Remember a “hard-hitting” journalist asking the president if his “kindness” is the cause of the surge at the Southern border?
That disappeared.
The left-wing Washington Post reported that, in 2019, police shot 14 (fourteen) unarmed black people. Why do so many people, both black and white, believe that hundreds, or even a thousand, blacks are murdered every year by police?
Could it be media bias?
We have endlessly heard that the event on 1/6/21 was a deadly riot at which Officer Sicknick was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher. Also, that people died due to Trump’s speech. Now we know that Officer Sicknick had returned to his office that afternoon and actually died from two unrelated strokes.
Where are the corrections, media?
Speaking of January 6th, why are the Feds putting so much effort to find every last person who only “breached” the Capitol while prosecutors in places like Portland are releasing [alleged] criminals who burned, looted, and assaulted? Which group really caused more damage and injuries?
Compared to the number of people who entered the building, the Capitol “riot” was mostly peaceful.
One more. We know now that only one person’s death was caused by another person: Ashli Babbitt, who was unarmed, was shot by a Capitol police officer, I guess. I don’t know because the media, who can’t wait 5 minutes to report an officer’s name when the victim is black, hasn’t told us who shot and killed her.
What difference, at this point, does it make? The US Justice Department isn’t charging the officer.
Why is that? Didn’t said officer have less-than-lethal options? You know, like when that 16-year-old was trying to stab another girl in the neck?
Where are follow-up the stories on:
- The black ex-cop that allegedly murdered 3 people in Austin.
- The Syrian Muslim who allegedly murdered ten innocents in a Boulder grocery.
- The follower of the Nation of Islam who murdered a Capitol officer.
- The black teenage girls (not prosecuted) who caused the death of a Pakistani immigrant; LeBron James’ tweet.
- The white guy who [allegedly] murdered 8 people in Atlanta but wasn’t motivated by racism?
All down the memory hole.
Why is Adam Toledo described as a “frightened child”? This 13-year-old had not been home in 2 days, he was a reputed gang member, illegally possessed and used a handgun, and dropped it behind a fence a fraction of a second before he was shot by an officer.
Is it racist to note that 20-year-old Duante Wright had expired tags, had an outstanding warrant for attempted armed robbery with an illegally possessed[ handgun, and who was attempting to resist arrest for attempting to drive away with a black cop hanging on? I suppose. (That’s not to say that his being shot versus TASERed was OK.)
Since we’re constantly told that black lives matter, here are two that are gone: 3-year-old Charissa Powell in Houston and 7-year old Jaslyn Adams in Chicago.
Where is the outrage? Where are the protests? Are those absent, like their stories, because the assailants weren’t police? That’s my guess.
I do wish that BLM would stand up to innocent black lives lost, not for mostly criminals.
Oh, where is the coverage of a co-founder of BLM, a trained Marxist, who just bought 4 houses? She’s just taking care of her family? [Ring, ring.] It’s the Clue Phone. So are most people. Also, local chapters have received zero from BLM’s $90 million treasure chest. Nice job “caring”.
Anti-Asian “hate” crime up 150%? From what? In Los Angeles, anti-Asian crime increased more than 100%!!! Yeah, from 7 to 15. (See: Huff, “How to Lie With Statistics.)
A recent column in the Sun had a writer stating that by watching the video, she knew that George Floyd was murdered. One of the prosecution’s witnesses said that he could tell exactly when Floyd died from the video. Can they do any other tricks?
I just heard attorney Andrew Branca note that he spoke at a seminar at the FBI Academy at Quantico. He asked the 300 attendees if George Zimmerman exited his vehicle after the dispatcher (not the “police”) told him not to do so. All raised their hands. Then he played the 911 call, which demonstrated the falseness of that claim. He asked the question again and half raised their hands again! Unbelievable!
I’m reminded of one of the recurring schticks from the TV show “Get Smart.” If only the Main Stream/Corporate Media would use their powers for goodness, not for badness.