Hello, I am the founder of ProtectNewHampshire.com, which you recently signed a petition for. We are fostering Tenth Amendment “State’s Rights” legislation and principles.
Sign the Petition: We Have Lost Confidence in Dr. David Ryan (SAU16 Superintendent) and the School Board
A petition has arisen in the wake of the train wreck that is the Exeter Schools System (SAU16), in New Hampshire. The premise is simple. The path that the district has charted is dangerous and unacceptable.
Friday Overnight Thread – They’re Turning “This Country Into a Socialist Hell Hole” Edition
Tonight’s overnight thread features some video. None of home long but all worth the time. We have NH State Rep. Melissa Litchfield on Fox News talking about Exeter High School “Branding” Incident. We’ve also got NC LT GOV. Mark Robinson Bringing Truth Bombs about the Left to the GOP.
Exeter School District (Again!): Student Ordered to Remove Thin Blue Line Flag
Recently a student attending the Cooperative Middle School in Exeter (SAU 16) was told that he could not wear the Thin Blue Line Flag in school. But school administrators have allowed students to wear the American flag and the Pride Flag.
Hey, Exeter Parents: Will Your Child Be Asked “When They Realized They Were White?”
The newly hired principal at Main Street School in Exeter will be carrying a lot of baggage when she starts her new job. Desert Valley Elementary School Principal Tonja Neve, was just hired by Superintendent David Ryan from SAU 16.
Mr. Lewis Is Black and the Kids Love Him. Why Is He Not a “Diversity” Team Leader?
Stephan Lewis was a former Wildcat running back inducted into UNH Hall of Fame in 2012. He also happens to be the athletic director for the SAU16 Cooperative Middle School. The kids love him.
New England Kids Soccer League Admits Masks Pose Health Risk – Mandates Them, Anyway
There is no reason for this but reason left the world a long time ago. The Northern New England Soccer League (NNESL) has mask guidelines. Everyone must wear them. Parents, coaches, even players. Despite an admission that they could pose a health risk.
Exeter Youth Soccer’s Crazy COVID Rules Include Kids Playing Masked
Pembroke Academy coach Brad Keyes took a stand. He refused to make his track athletes were masks during competition. He saw it righty as dangerous to their health. No such luck in that #woke #Sh!tShow of a town we call Exeter, New Hampshire.
Exeter Middle School Principal Patty Wons on Helping Kids Understand the Capitol Riot, Feelings, and Irony Alert?
Exeter, New Hampshire schools are all-in on the indoctrination program. Superintendent Dave Ryan is pushing race politics, but he’s not alone in advocating partisan stupid. Back in January, Exeter Cooperative Middle School Principle (CMS) Patty Wons offered some tips in the Capitol Riot’s wake.
Exeter School Superintendent David Ryan Needs to Step Down After Using His Day Job to Play Partisan Race Pimp
Exeter Superintendent David Ryan has turned his role as an administrator of a public school system into an opportunity to disseminate partisan disinformation and race war propaganda.
Transgender Athlete Scheduled to Speak to 7th Graders at Exeter Middle School Tomorrow
This is a quick note to let parents of seventh graders at the Cooperative Middle School in Exeter that a transgender (trans-male) athlete is scheduled to speak to your kids tomorrow. You may be fine with that, or not, but did you know?
If a Leftist Yells “Forest Fire!” In a Crowded Social Media Group Show Them This
It has become an annual tradition. Dry season equals forest fires equals leftists blaming CO2 (and your reckless lifestyle) for burning acreage. It’s not true, but never more so than this year. At least, according to the National Interagency Fire Center.
Your Tax Money Supporting Censorship in Exeter, Henniker, and Keene
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Transparency about the workings of an organization prevents corruption. Speaking of corruption, inasmuch as the portion of your property tax bill going to the public schools is the single largest portion of that bill, did you ever wonder what they are doing with all your money? While their mission is … Read more
Exeter NH Voters Pass ‘Right to Healthy Climate’ Ordinance
On Tuesday voters in Exeter approved a new ordinance. It entitles them to the right to a healthy climate system capable of sustaining human societies. Translated this means blocking any effort that could allow other people to survive the average New England winter. Related: Without Fossil Fuels Millions of Americans Could Freeze to Death The right to … Read more
I’m not crazy…my mother had me tested.
But Representative Abrami thinks I am paranoid because I oppose SB 11; however, I may be just crazy enough to believe I own the water on my property. Sadly, it seems that the NH Department of Environmental Services says “No”. If that doesn’t give you pause, then go to the former Governor John Lynch’s website and read the final report of the Water … Read more
SB 11 – Drainfield of Dreams

“Overall goal of SB 11: Enable a municipality to establish a water and sewer district within a specific area to attract and sustain commercial development”
So, Monday morning, May 6, I’m on the radio talking about upcoming legislation and bring up SB 11 and that, in my opinion, it was a real Trojan horse disguising a long-wished for entre for cities and towns and the state of NH to tax private well and septic owners to pay for the mistakes and mismanagement of municipally-owned and operated water and sewer systems.
Next day, out of the blue, I get this email from Senator Nancy Stiles – how in the world she got my email address I have no idea:
An email was forward to me and I’m not sure you understand why SB11 was put forward. It didn’t come out of a study. One of my selectmen group was in need of services and didn’t want to put them through the whole community but to provide business with nee[sic] for water and sewerage. One town has the water supply and the other has the septic in place. SB11 ENABLES two communities to share resources through an MOU. No one cares how they set up who pays for what as long as the two communities agree. Included in the legislation is a requirement that if they hate each other 5 years down the road it is predetermined and agreed on how the break up will occur and who has what responsibilities. TOTAL local control to solve a problem. Instead of drafting legislation for one/two particular towns I made it ENABLING legislation for any community that saw a need. NO mandate to do anything. Hope this helps. Stop in my office sometime to say hello.
Nancy F. Stiles
Senate District 24
603 271-6933
So, I write back:
The Return of The Bride of The Son of SB 11 [Date of vote confirmed]
New Hampshire Senate Bill 11 will get a formal vote in the House this week, according to a post at CNHT.org. The post states the full vote is May 22, but was sent to me with an update: the vote will be held this Wednesday, May 15th.
(Note: We received confirmation. The vote is Wednesday May 22nd)
The date hardly matters, except as relates to our need to act against it. To the best of my knowledge this is the same exact bill that was set aside last week. No effort has been made to deal with the broad language that set off red flags last week. It is still a bad bill.
There is also the question of why this bill is even needed…
CNHT asks…
“…why do Exeter and Stratham need this legislation which “permits municipalities to establish water and/or sewer utility districts and to enter into intermunicipal agreements for the establishment of such districts” considering that the Merrimack Valley Water District has been in existence since 2004 by virtue of RSA Statutes: Chapter 53-A, Chapter 33-B, Chapter 38, and Chapter 362.”
If statutory authority already exists, why introduce a bill like SB 11, with such broad language, unless you are after something more?