Mr. Lewis Is Black and the Kids Love Him. Why Is He Not a “Diversity” Team Leader?

by Op-Ed

Stephan Lewis was a former Wildcat running back inducted into UNH Hall of Fame in 2012. He also happens to be the athletic director for the SAU16 Cooperative Middle School. The kids love him.

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If you go on the school website and click on the Diversity, Equity, blablablah tab, there is a list of team leaders in the upper left. Mr. Lewis is nowhere to be found. If you scroll down the list of team leaders, you’ll find the “facilitator,” Toyin Augustus. She’s the athletic director at Phillips Exeter. Inspired by your investigative prowess, this prompted me to ask myself…


1. Mr. Lewis is black and the kids love him. Why is he not a team leader?
2. Mr. Lewis is a UNH legend. Wouldn’t his input resonate more?
3. Ms.Augustus’s PEA bio states that she is a Nigerian-American who represented her birth country, Nigeria, in the 2008 Olympics. Why is she telling American children how to adapt to their homeland?
4. Ms. Augustus is not an SAU16 employee. What exactly is she “facilitating” in the district?
5. Why would SAU16 choose a non-employee to “facilitate” its Diversity, Equity, blablablah?
6. Why would SAU16 choose Ms.Augustus over the All-American, Hall of Famer, American-as-apple-pie, Mr.Lewis?
7. Are We The People paying Ms.Augustus and if so, how much and who authorized it?
8. Could it be that Mr. Lewis’s views on all of this horse puckey don’t fit the “narrative”???


Things that make you go hmmm…but also, check out PEA’s “anti-racist” tab. How soon until you can’t get into PEA unless your a non-white foreigner?

By the way, I’m an immigrant, not only from another country but also from that wasteland south of the NH border. Ditto, my spouse. We came here to get away from this kind of destruction of society.


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