Climate Fear, Rewilding, the Green New Deal, and Other Absurdities

One of the most prescient, intelligent, passionate voices defending rural lands and rural agriculture has been lifelong Democrat Wendell Berry (though Wendell will tell you that he has no allegiance to any one party). The current Democratic Party appears to have no use for the considered wisdom of this Kentucky farmer, just as it has abandoned Martin Luther King, Jr., Thomas Jefferson, and the Kennedy legacy.

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A Fake Energy Crisis?

by Don

It’s been claimed that: “No power source is more dangerous to life and the environment than burning fossil fuels”.  Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.  Such evidence hasn’t been provided. Would returning to burning wood, peat, dung, whale oil, and animal fat be safer?  No. Honest evaluations consider minuses AND benefits.  If we only considered minuses, … Read more

Nice tweets

A “Small Price to Pay” for Nice Tweets.

More than a few folks have had a political come-to Jesus moment during the brief reign of F. Joe Biden I (the First). It’s hard not to with gas prices rising, inflation, shortages, and the rest of it. But are they having a real moment? Do they see the big picture?

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7 Benefits of Traveling Within the States

When it comes to travel, many people think they need to visit the other side of the world for a great experience, but that simply is not true. You can have an educational, inspiring, and exciting adventure without even leaving your own country! If you are planning your next getaway, here are seven benefits of … Read more


Ruminations on Big Corporations, Big Government and Trump

Counter to some opinions I am concerned about our environment. I just don’t believe the answer is windmills and solar panels (made in China usually), nor do I think we in the U.S. are the problem except for plastics. Darn plastics are everywhere, all over everything and it lasts for like a thousand years.

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