Andru Volinsky at BLM rally FI

Black Lives Matter CONDEMNS Andy Volinsky

This, from the Black Lives Matter Manchester’s Facebook Page: In case you have not been following, BLM-Manchester is referring to Volinsky’s absurd claim that Eddie Edwards was not qualified to head the State’s licensing agency. I urge you to read the comments section. The White “allies” are flabbergasted and incredulous that BLM-Manchester is not blindly … Read more

“I’m NOT going to be IGNORED!”

Who would have believed that 31 years after it debuted, a fully-growed Massachusetts cop who runs an alleged pro-firearms organization based in NH would reprise Glenn Close’s role and give voice once more to her homicidal threat? Those of you who know me know I have repeatedly expressed my personal belief that this “firearms” organization … Read more


Seven Reasons Why You Should Vote for Eddie Edwards

With Election Day just two weeks away, the political races are heating up. In Congressional district 1, we have what I believe is one of the best candidates we have seen in many years, and that candidate is Eddie Edwards. Here are seven reasons why you should vote for Eddie Edwards on November 6th. Law … Read more


Press Release: Eddie Edwards to Tour Granite State Manufacturing

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 21, 2018 Contact: Derek Dufresne, 202-809-6013 Eddie Edwards to Tour Granite State Manufacturing Dover, NH – Eddie Edwards, the Republican nominee for New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District, will tour Granite State Manufacturing tomorrow. WHAT: Tour of Granite State Manufacturing WHEN: Monday, October 22, 1:00 pm WHERE: Granite State Manufacturing – 124 Joliette … Read more

Let Teachers Be Armed..But Lets Not ‘Arm Teachers’

edwardsThis is one of those rare occasions where I depart company with my fellow Groksters. This is hard for me to do. But it is one of those rare…very rare times where I sit here and think, “Guys, I  happen to think I am right here!” Eddie is right on this issue. Here’s the deal…

Eddie Edwards is the candidate I am going to support. I hope at the end of September 11, he will be the Republican nominee. Eddie is SOLIDLY pro-second amendment. Eddie is anti-big government. Please see this video for proper perspective.

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“I fully support the Second Amendment!” – no you don’t, Mr. Edwards (Republican candidate for NH CD-1)

by Skip

First, let me state this: Groksters have decided to not put out an endorsement in the Republican Primary race in NH First Congressional District.  We’ve basically said “a pox on both their houses” for the dumpster fire that has become the norm this go around.  We interviewed both; an hour and a half with Andy Sanborn and two and a half with Eddie Edwards.  Both were gracious and we were allowed to ask pretty much any question that popped into our heads.  Both allowed us to video record their entire times and it was relayed that since not all of the Groksters couldn’t attend the sessions, we wanted them to be able to form their own views from the interviews.  We were also given permission, by both, to post the videos if we wanted to. To date, we have not.

Which brings me to the sign above.  It became clear that Mr. Edwards did not agree with it during our interview; I grow weary of politicians saying different things to different audiences. In this case, to we Groksters and then to others.

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I continue to get Stuff – I think it is time for a bit of a fisking: Alan Rice of the NH Firearms Coalition

by Skip

“I’ll let you skip the self-reflection bit and make it plain – how could you, as President, allow somebody that rates an “F” that marks him as an anti-gunner, on your Board?”

Ah yes, Alan Rice of the NH Firearms Coalition (“NHFC”) is starting to feel some heat.  Like I said before, if you want to judge candidates for office (either newbies just running for the first time or those that have proven voting / legislative histories) simply because they won’t bother with either your questions or you survey in toto, you deserve a continued beat-down.  What a schmuck!

So, one person complained – and got this in return. I’ll let Alan Rice figure out what a fisking is – I’m not sure he understands the phrase “self-evident” either.  I will clue him in that the items I’m talking about by putting them in bold them; I’m sure that even he might “get it”.

From: “Alan M. Rice, President, NHFC Inc.” <> on behalf of “Alan M. Rice, President, NHFC Inc.” <>
Reply-To: “Alan M. Rice, President, NHFC Inc.” <>
Date: Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 5:05 PM
Subject: Acting like the DC swamp and they’re not even there yet…

Does he even know how this comes off? 

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Is Edwards just another fake Conservative?

by Don

Eddie Edwards announced that won’t participate in the Republican primary debate tonight because he refuses to commit to supporting Andy Sanborn should Sanborn win the Republican primary in the First Congressional District.  How can anyone claiming to be a Conservative not fight to elect a Republican, let alone a proven Conservative Republican, versus what promises to be another leftist Democrat?

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Eddie Edwards – Excerpt From Remarks at an Aug. 9th, House Party

I had the opportunity to capture some video at a House Party for Eddie Edwards. He is running for Congress in NH congressional district one.

I did run into a few issues and not just with the lighting. Some of the video was inaccessible after the fact. Some is just missing, even though the device was recording. So his complete remarks are not available. Instead, I’ll be editing what I have salvaged into 3 to 4-minute snippets.

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Kevin Landrigan of the Union Leader is blowing it out his other pie-hole

by Skip

Update: I just left a scathing vmail for the UL head honcho and Publisher, Joe McQuaid demanding retractions on the UL front page, within Landrigan’s article, and in their print edition.  Let’s see what happens.
Update 2: From Trent Spiner, Exec. Editor, UL @ 1:36pm (my email was at 9:26am) – “…we certainly understand you have not endorsed this cycle and I appreciate you bringing the issue to my attention. We will be issuing a correction shortly”.  I’m still waiting for it…
I want a retraction from Landrigan and the UL and will be demanding such.

Kevin Landrigan

What am I talking about?  This: “He’s got Rand Paul, the federal Gun Owners of America, and leader of GraniteGrok on his side.”

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CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – Candidates for US Congress in CD-1

by Skip

Candidates aplenty during the CNHT Picnic (“Old Home Day for Conservatives” – you ought to be there next year!) and with Carol SEIU-Porter retiring (just long enough to get that beefy US Congress retirement plan!), the seat is wide open.  Boy, is it wide open: 6 Republicans – Michael Callis, Bruce Crochetiere, Jeffory W. Denaro, Eddie … Read more

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