Jan Schmidt Bernie Bus

Jan Schmidt, Benevolent Dictator

I have been following Nashua Alderman, and NH State Rep, Jan Schmidt on social media and I’ve observed that she likes to portray herself as a benevolent dictator showing her love and concern for her subjects.

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Doris Hohensee

Doris Hohensee: A Rebuttal to Your Request That I Resign

by Doris Hohensee Board President Heather Raymond conducted an illegal meeting asking for my resignation from the Nashua Board of Education. She admits that she spoke privately with the majority of members on the Board to obtain their vote, violating the Right to Know law. Raymond proceeded to abuse her authority by sending out an … Read more

Common Core: Upcoming Presentation!

by Skip

“Ann Marie Banfield and Doris Hohensee promote the upcoming May 28th Manchester School Board meeting held in Manchester City Hall at 7 pm for people to get a better idea of what Common Core education is all about.” Common Core is the “new” educational standard that was funded by the Bill Gates Foundation and which … Read more

GrokTalk! Saturday February 12th 2011

GrokTalk!Live Streaming local and National News with opinion you could only get from GraniteGrok.

It’s GrokTalk!

This Saturday from 9-11AM…

 NH House Rep Laura Jones, Doris Hohensee and Rep Andrew Manuse all check in with Skip.

Author and National Review Managing Deputy Editor editor Kevin Williamson is back to continue the discussion on his book, The politically Incorrect Guide To Socialism.

Lear More About Our Guests on the jump

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