Darrell Brooks has been arrested for killing five and injuring at least forty after driving an SUV through a Christmas Parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. It sounds crazy, but this is not new behavior for brooks, who was in jail days earlier after hitting a woman with his car.
Domestic abuse
Women’s Health Care Alert: California Women’s Prison Inmates are Being Raped by “Transwomen”
California is a leader in progressive policy, so when they passed a law allowing transwomen inmates to be housed with biological women, the Left swooned. Our reaction was a bit different.
Former Democrat State Senator Sentenced to 60-Days in Jail for Domestic Assault
Early on in the #MeToo movement, New Hampshire had a soap opera moment all its own. A high-ranking Democrat state Senator was accused of domestic assault against his Democrat girlfriend. Several Democrats, including women, chose his side and the battle lines were drawn.
Former Democrat State Senator Jeff Woodburn Convicted on Four Counts
A long-running North Country Soap Opera has finally come to an end. Democrat State Senator Jeff Woodburn has been found guilty on four counts, including a domestic violence charge.
We Called It: Democrat Jeff Woodburn Admits to Leaking Image Under Protective Order
Former Senator (but still a Democrat) Jeff Woodburn is awaiting trial on domestic abuse charges. Back in July – probably to delay trial – someone in his circle leaked a privileged image placed under a protective order. I suggested it was Woodburn.
While We Wait for The Trial of Accused Domestic Abuser Democrat Jeff Woodburn
The North Country’s legislative alpha caveman is still awaiting trial. And if you ask, NH Democrat Jeff Woodburn, who has admitted to anger issues (of which he is ashamed), is the victim here not the woman with the bite marks and bruising.
How Jeff Woodburn Has Punched a Few Holes in His Own Self Defense “Defense”
Former State Senator Jeff Woodburn is charged with multiple counts of violence against a woman and her property. To explain away these expressions of anger the large man who assaulted the smaller woman is claiming self-defense.
Ann Kuster’s “Woodburn” Problem: She Didn’t “Believe” His Accuser (Not Really)
The Editors, New Hampshire State Sen. Jeff Woodburn’s district encompasses a significant chunk on Congresswoman Ann Kuster’s Congressional District. So, what? Annie has spent the better part of the last month using words like temperament, discussing moral character, and the importance of believing women who accuse men of sexual or domestic violence. But Ann Kuster does … Read more
Was Dem Sen. Jeff Woodburn’s ‘Accuser’ Trying to Make Him do the Laundry?
Not that long ago the Democrat Mayor of Berlin, New Hampshire announced that the domestic abuse survivor of State Sen. Jeff Woodburn was not his female victim. It was Jeff Woodburn, the accused.
If only Woodburn were a nominee for the Supreme court, eh? We’d see buttons that say I believe “insert name here.” But the cabal of political insiders we’ve been discussing do not think so. Their champion is not the woman; it’s the great big, white guy who outweighs his alleged victim by 100 pounds and wait until you hear the latest.
Where in The World is Jeff Woodburn?
Jeff Woddburn’s arrest on nine counts of Domestic violence, he’s been laying low. So low that reposts suggest he has not been to any meetings or events (so we shouldn’t expect to see him at this one). There are few if any signs (literally) indicating he is running for public office even though he has refused to resign or drop his re-election bid.
Jeff Woodburn Should Introduce Alec Baldwin at the NH Dem’s “Identity-Crisis” Dinner
Tone deafness isn’t intentionally written into the New Hampshire Democrat Party Platform, but hypocrisy is. So, it makes sense that the same so-called “party of women” thought it would be a great idea to re-name their Jefferson-Jackson dinner (Men who had slaves!) the Kennedy-Clinton Dinner (Men who had sex slaves.)
This year the Democrats identity-crisis dinner is named after Eleanor Roosevelt (I guess Weiner Weinstein was out of the question?) but then invited Alec Baldwin as their keynote speaker.
Jeff Woodburn’s Domestic Abuse Posse Discover ‘Stand Your Ground’ (sort of)
Before Democrats could have a choice between embattled incumbent Jeff Woodburn and any other candidate, there would have to be an “other” candidate. Woodburn, when accused of nine counts of domestic abuse, was unopposed. After the Attorney General announced the arrest and charges Kathleen Kelley stepped up to give North Country Democrats a choice.
Would it surprise you to know that Democrat party insiders don’t like choice?
Jeff Woodburn Political Theater – Shows Daily Until November
Embattled alleged domestic abuser Jeff ‘The Bruiser’ Woodburn is refusing to resign from office. The New Hampshire state senator decided that the charges against him are far too insignificant to warrant abandoning his office.
Let me guess. He’s going to let the voters decide.
Any number of voices, especially those on the left, are not keen on that idea.
NH House Candidate Denny Ruprecht is Jeff Woodburn’s Campaign Manager. What Did He know, and When Did He Know it?
Denny Ruprecht Jr. (pictured above, far left) is quite the Progressive political climber. He’s hob-knobbed with Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, retiring Democrat Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter, and for several months he was a finance intern for CD-2 Democrat Ann Kuster. And he’s only a Freshman at UNH.
Dennis ‘Denny’ Ruprecht is also a candidate for State Representative for Grafton District 15, and he is State Sen. Jeff Woodburn‘s Campaign manager (May of 2016 – Present). Woodburn has been arrested for multiple counts of domestic and sexual abuse.
So what did Denny know and when did he know it?
Is Ann Kuster Happy We Violated the US Constitution?
Ann Kuster is excited that the House Republicans decided not to change the Senate version of the Violence Against Women’s act. I’m not sure what the House had in mind but Tax dodger Ann Kuster is happy to assume it’s because they hate women.
What a difference a day makes! On Wednesday, Speaker Boehner had big plans to limit the protections for women who are victims of domestic and sexual violence. Apparently, House Republicans believe that some women – namely lesbians, immigrants and Native Americans – do not deserve equal protection under the law.
Problem. This bill violates the US constitution in it’s effort to protect women from domestic and sexual violence.