Say Hello to the Claremont Income Tax … and Thank You to our Wonderful Attorney General

So last week, a single Superior Court Judge decided he was the State’s Education-Czar and implicitly ordered -while, of course, claiming he was doing no such thing- the State to -at a minimum- triple spending on public education … which would require a massive expansion in spending by State government (at least an additional $1.6 … Read more

William Barr - twitter image

AG Barr Appoints US Attorney to Investigate The Genesis of the Russia Collusion Probe

Attorney General Bill Barr has assigned US attorney John Durham to conduct an inquiry. He is tasked with examining whether the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign was justified and legal.

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William Barr - twitter image

AG William Barr Announces Investigation into FBI Abuses in Collusion Case

The FBI is being investigated of possible abuse of the FISA process in its pursuit of surveillance warrants against the Trump Campaign. AG William Barr notified Congress on Tuesday.

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Handcuffs due process

Criminal Referrals Coming for Clinton Operatives Involved in Russian Collusion Hoax

The Democrats are not the only ones who can’t let this ‘Collusion’ thing go. As Democrat-lead Congressional committees gear up for endless investigations of political opponents Republicans must feel left out. Rep. Devin Nunes is reportedly preparing criminal referrals to the DOJ for a number of Clinton-connected operatives.

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if obama had a son Jussie Smollett

Chicago PD Want’s DOJ to Investigate: Obama’s Meddled in the Smollett Case

Before Jussie Smollett was indicted for faking a hate crime, Chicago insiders with ties to the Obama’s tried to meddle in the case. The Chicago Police Union has asked the US Department of Justice to investigate this alleged meddling.

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Democrat Corruption: Obama’s DOJ Told the FBI Not to Charge Hillary Clinton

Going all the way back to the Tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch in 2016 we knew “grandchildren” was code for, ‘You’re not prosecuting Hillary, right?’ And so it was. Testimony by Lisa Page from last summer (just released) confirms it.

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We Tried Collusion. There’s no Collusion. Let’s Try Obstruction, Coup-Coup-G’Joob

As we wait under the shadow of an impending Mueller report it seems pertinent to make a few points. They wasted over two years pretending to look for collusion between Trump and, pretty much anyone (but mostly Russia). This served one purpose. Keep the media’s Trump-Hating Gattlin’ gun loaded with negative press. The media continues to … Read more

There’s a Stench at the FBI and DOJ

Something is rotten at the FBI and DOJ There’s something wrong at the top of the FBI and DoJ. Is it time to clean out the leadership? Clearly, the nation has an expectation of integrity from the top law enforcement agency in the land. We need accountability for bad acts such as exceeding ones authority, … Read more

Obama DoJ Never Held FISA Hearings for Warrants to Spy on Trump Campaign

Obama’s Justice Department has admitted that it never held any hearings to get permission to surveil Carter Page, as a means to spy on an opposition party Presidential campaign.

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced that in response to a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the Justice Department (DOJ) admitted in a court filing last night that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court held no hearings on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) spy warrant applications targeting Carter Page, a former Trump campaign part-time advisor who was the subject of four controversial FISA warrants.

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More Democrat Russian Collusion

From John Solomon at The Connections between Steele, his dossier, the Clinton campaign that paid for it, a Russian with ties to Putin, and a high-ranking Trump-hating DOJ official whose wife worked for Fusion GPS

(Russian Oligarch Oleg) Deripaska would get another visit from his FBI friends in New York. But this time the questions were about possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Specifically, the agents told Deripaska they believed Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was secretly coordinating the election with Moscow.

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“Profiting off the Anxieties and White Guilt of Northern Liberals”

In the wake of two recent posts on the subject of white guilt here and here this seemed a suitable remark to share.

As Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who’s also been smeared by the SPLC as an “anti-Muslim extremist,” has noted, the group these days is invested more in “profiting off the anxieties and white guilt of Northern liberals” than in actually upholding civil rights.

Jeff Sessions has ordered a review to ensure the U.S. Department of Justice is not partnered with the SPLC in any way, shape, or form and with good reason. The SPLC has become a hate group, smearing organizations, and individuals without fear until recently.

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O on Terrorism, Striking Foreign and Domestic Intersections

Yesterday, the pusillanimous powder puff currently lounging in the Oval Office gave a speech on the “war on terror”. Below are some of the lines that struck me as interesting given the current maelstrom of power abuse scandals spinning around the great eared one.


“We will never erase the evil that lies in the hearts of some human beings, nor stamp out every danger to our open society. What we can do – what we must do – is dismantle networks that pose a direct danger, and make it less likely for new groups to gain a foothold, all while maintaining the freedoms and ideals that we defend.”

Naturally, the “networks that pose a direct danger” is in the eye of the beHolder. Given the recent lens that many more now peer through to clearly make out this administration’s penchant for abusing power and disrupting networks of American citizens it’s hard not to know what else he’s referring to. 

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Schadenfreude, Mr. Morgan? Or is that just the scales falling off your eyes?

CNN’s Piers Morgan, the Brit Twit who decided that taking on Pro-Second Amendment folks during the run up to the Senate’s attempt to pass stricter gun laws to boost his ratings (er, #FAIL), is seemingly having a change of mind about it all.  You see, after poo-pooing (or screaming, taking your pick) that that these … Read more

Did DOJ Also Seize Phone Records From US House?

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) broke this tid-bit yesterday on the Hugh Hewitt Show. So when they went after the AP reporters, right? Went after all of their phone records, they went after the phone records, including right up here in the House Gallery, right up from where I’m sitting right now. So you have a … Read more

Boo Hoo Hamster Can Finally Write Something about the DOJ – AP Story

Last night Skip observed that the progressive mouthpiece for the Democrat blogosphere in New Hampshire (Bleu Hampshire) had been awfully quiet given all the newsy tid-bits peppering the interwebs.  Nothing to report on Benghazi, The IRS, HHS, DOJ seizing AP phone records, dead Americans, failed Middle East policy…nothing.

But there is good news. Blue Hamster has leave to react to at least one of the recent scandals…

The Soros funded, highly political (non-profit) Media Matters, has release instructions on how the Democrats should respond with regard to the Obama-DOJ seizing two months worth of phone records from the AP.  (I have included them on the jump so that you wont have to be bothered with visiting their site to find out what they have been told to think.)

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“Scandal Cascade” – this is starting to look like Jimmah is off the hook!

The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen

Don’t worry, Jimmah – there’s an even worse dude coming in as your reliever!

I notice that Blue Hampshire has nothing / nada / zilch on the scandals (Front Page / All Posts) that have erupted since Friday stemming from the Obama Administration’s hubris of power – the DOJ going after the media (and expecting nary a sound from the sycophantic media), the IRS going after Conservative groups that held to or espoused to a form of government much less large than now and within a bounded fenced in area, HHS going after cash for Obamacare, the CIA / State Dept brouhaha over who didn’t say when about what concerning letting 4 American civilians get murdered…..a meltdown of super-major proportions.

Nary but a cricket sound from THE bastion of Progressivism here in NH otherwise known as the cheerleading squad  for an ever increasing sized, ever increasing cost, and an ever increasing intrusive Activist Government that rejects the the notion of the Constitutional Republic (re: the rejection of enumerated powers, the activating of an income tax, and regulations that would make the Politboro blush) and a subsuming of the Individual into the Collective (except for in one’s bedroom – except that Sandra Fluke led the movement to demand that our wallets be present).  And, oh yeah, Obamacare, the Progressivism capstone and Obama’s Legacy Schtick, really does seem to be the incipient political train wreck barreling down the tracks as little is operationally ready for the first train station stop in October.  I really do hope that the Law is strictly held up to its own Law (yup, Alinsky’s own Rule to make them live by their own Rule Book – and the Rule Book ain’t a 1/4 done) – and I will admit: I do hope this House of Cards that is little more than a Old Western Town’s facade to the Temple of Progressivism comes tumbling down and tumbles hard.  And before you Progs start screaming “you hateful person”, remember, not a single Republican voted for this pile of legislative doo-doo.  You own it.  You own the economy.  You own the gridlock.  You own everything.

And now, you are about to be blamed for it.  Deservedly so, as Progressivism IS the Root Cause.  Every single bit can be traced down to your philosophy.  Enjoy – and weep.

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Ask New Hampshire Democrats…Will You Let Obama Seize our Guns? (Fixed Link)

President Obama, who promised to pursue gun control under the radar, has fulfilled that promise.Oh No Guns....and magazines...and ammo

Obama has expanded civil-forfeiture rules making it permissible for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to seize weapons from citizens without the hassle of due process.

This effectively gives Attorney General Eric Holder, of Fast and Furious fame, extended power over guns and gun-related property.

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DOJ Pre-Clears New Hampshire Voter ID law

The Department of Justice has pre-cleared New Hampshire’s Voter ID law.  Of course how could it not?   The law is not terribly restrictive.   But taken with new laws regarding proof of domicile it is an improvement, and next year the law starts to do more to ensure that only those legally eligible to vote … Read more

One Holder DoJ Witch Hunt Comes To A Close

Sheriff Joe Arpaio went after local corruption, and thumbed his nose at the Feds, so they tried to make an example of him.  But if there is a Joe you don’t mess with it’s the Sheriff of Maricopa county Arizona.

The DOJ initiated a number of investigations from abuse of power to charges of the Sheriff’s office misusing credit cards.  The end result?

All charges dropped.  And the local US Attorney…even she appears to be trying to back away from the whole thing.

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Afterburner – Follow the Ideology; Fast and Furious

Bill Whittle’s latest Afterburner punches the Obama Administration and their media lackeys right in the onions  over Fast and Furious.  Using the theme ‘Follow the Ideology’ he covers territory I tread over repeatedly going all the way back to May of 2011, September 2011; I even asked in October 2011 if the DOJ was ignoring … Read more

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