Chris Sununu

Remember that Border Crisis Thing Gov Sununu?

With all this CRT business and Schoolboard reporting, we’ve been lax on poking the governor in his tubby rhetorical tummy. Sure, he’s done some good things, but when it comes to any politician, we must remember the phrase made famous by Janet Jackson. What have you done for me lately?

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Today’s U.S. Supreme Court DACA Ruling – Time to Stop Saying C.J. Roberts Sides With “Liberals” and Start Admitting Roberts is a Liberal

From Justice Thomas’ dissent in today’s DACA case: DHS created DACA during the Obama administration without any statutory authorization and without going through the requisite rulemaking process. As a result, the program was unlawful from its inception. The majority does not even attempt to explain why a court has the authority to scrutinize an agency’s … Read more


Illegal Aliens voting – isn’t that Voter Fraud?

by Skip

So why is this voting official just waving off the requirement that only citizens should vote? “Right. It doesn’t matter that he’s not a citizen?” the undercover journalist asked, adding, “I saw some mess on the internet that it’s not legal for him to vote because…” “No. Don’t pay any attention to that. Bring him up … Read more

“I Have No Pity For ‘Illegal’ Immigrants!”

I have a friend who is a legal immigrant from a country in South America. She came many years ago and likes to share how much hard work it took to earn her U.S. Citizenship. There is a lot of paperwork, she says. But it was worth it. She is very proud.

She also says she has no pity for illegals. None. Zeeerow! “They are Il-le-gal! I don’t care if they are one parent or a daughter, a family, or whatever it is they are doing.”

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NH Number One In Child Welfare But That’s Just Not Good Enough

Call of Duty - Infinte Welfare -S.MacDonald 2016-05-31So, about your children?

New Hampshire is the highest-ranked state for children’s well-being, according to a national survey released on Wednesday.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count report, based on data from 2016, ranks New Hampshire first overall and second in economic well-being, with drops in the number of children living in households with high cost burdens and children living in poverty.

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