Suess wtf

#Woke Warriors Want Dr. Seuss Canceled for ‘Racial Undertones’

“Oh, the Places We won’t Go” is a good title for a book about recent objections to the Seussian universe. A wild and fanciful place filled with a reading experience like no other. A bad experience if you are “Learning for Justice.” This Left-Wing pressure group wants schools to stop celebrating Theodore ‘Ted” Geisel’s Birthday on March 2nd.

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Public Schools Violate State Law: Promoting the Agenda of One Political Party Over Another

How did Social Justice, White Privilege, and Critical Race Theory get into public education? Parents are never invited to a public meeting to explain in advance what administrators propose to teach to their children. Controversial agenda items quietly slip into our classrooms without discussion.

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Coca Cola CRT be less white Text sb Black

Coca-Cola to Employees: Try to Be Less White

Fifty years ago, the Coca-Cola Company wanted to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. These days that harmony comes with the cultural equivalent of a “bride price.” White people need to hate themselves and atone for the past.

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Jodi Shaw

“Stop Reducing my Personhood to a Racial Category.”

An employee at an exclusive Massachusetts college has resigned after declining to play along with the Critical Race Theory theatrics. One of “which frames any reluctance or discomfort at these discussions as a white power play to escape accountability.” The CRT term for this is white fragility.

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Unproven-Assumptions-of-Critical-Race-Theory FI

Important Questions About Critical Race Theory

In a fabulous interview four years ago with Mark Steyn, James Mitchell, the man (in)famous for waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, presented a pearl of wisdom gleaned through one of his interactions with the terror mastermind:

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HB544 Is A Good Idea But…

I like the idea of “HB544 – relative to the propagation of divisive concepts” but feel the concept cries out for legal attention. This bill is not well-drafted, is overly wordy, has conflicting provisions, even asserts authority over the “unconscious.”  The terms “diversity” and “inclusion” are used but not defined.  There are no legislative findings except one.

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Pic Lily Tang WIlliams Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory is a tool used by Marxists/Communists to divide us and destroy our country.

My name is Lily Tang Williams. I live in Weare, and I am here as a private citizen to strongly support this bill [HB544]. I fled Communist China for America in 1988 because I truly believed this country would protect each citizen’s Constitutional rights based on the founder’s principle: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.”

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Rep Kris Schultz Wants Schools to Teach White Kids That They Are Inherently Racist

HB 544 would ban “CRT,” which stands for Critical Race Theory in New Hampshire. As I explained in September of last year: Essentially, “critical race theory” describes the pseudoscientific concept that all people with white skin are inherently racists and are not even aware of it because they have “internalized” their “racial superiority” and, consequently, … Read more

More pie or less pie

An Equal Piece of a Smaller Pie or More Pie for Everyone?

Life is a bowl of cherries and if we make bad choices we are going to get only the pits. So follow me here. We are going to explain why more pie is better for everyone than less pie.

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Miguel Cardona

Biden Education Secretary is Good With Teaching That America is Intrinsically Racist

Joe Biden’s pick for education secretary is Miguel Cardona. He helped create Connecticut’s statewide mandatory minority studies course. It “analyze[s] how race, power, and privilege influence group access to citizenship, civil rights, and economic power.”

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“Stop Being Shocked” – America Is Being Taken Over From Inside; What Will You Do About It?

OK, another long excerpt from a very long piece. It outlines a bit of what the heck is going on in society. Why so many of us on the Right can’t believe how fast America has been transformed.

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Golden Book AOC Racism

Notable Quote – You Can’t Understand a Person if Your Only Lens Is Critical Race Theory

If you only see people as part of a particular kind of crowd, you can never get to know them as a person. Critical Race Theory has nothing to do with Individuals – it is only about how to move power, using the guise of race, from one set of people to another.

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So, White People are Racists Because OWNING DOGS!?

The Left gets stupider by the day – and then opens its Collective mouth to dispel all doubt. I’m going to put the entire post up so you can see the UTTER ridiculousness and wrongness.

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BLM Seacoast

My first reaction was “Or WHAT? Demands means you’ve got something to back them up with. You don’t”.

Over at NH Journal, Michael Graham asks the actual question I answered: “Will NH Pols Meet BLM Demands?” My answer is “only if they are scared of their own shadows“. This is yet another ploy by an extremely small group of people trying to shove their way forward on the political surfboard based on the … Read more

Why is Chris Sununu Allowing Government Employees to be Indoctrinated With “Critical Race (White Privilege) Theory”?

So let’s begin with the concept of critical race theory. I’ll give you the short version, but here is a link to an hour-plus discussion by Heritage. Essentially, “critical race theory” describes the pseudoscientific concept that all people with white skin are inherently racists and are not even aware of it because they have “internalized” … Read more

White girl Japanese girl Slavery Pearl Harbor FI

To stop this nonsense takes only one action – the courage to say “No”

WHY should someone be guilty of something that happened 75 years ago (or further back into antiquity)? Were they there to actually participate in what (in this instance) the “Woke” Left  – in the persons of Black Lives Matter or in the persons of Social Justice Warriors – now considers sinful?

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Intersectionality FI

‘Wokeness is Being Pushed on Everyone’

I wouldn’t have expected to see an article so aptly named out of Sp!ked but sometimes you can find diamonds in a trash dump. They had an interview with a Helen Pluckrose on why we are seeing such nuttiness from the Left. The woke, the SJWs, the Karens, seemingly in such short order and time frames.

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raised fists

Critical Race Theory: Marxism’s Newest Reboot

Kneeling before the Black Lives Matter lobby won’t do you any good. BLM’s radical ideology has no room for forgiveness or reconciliation.

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