american gun owners

Florida’s Phony Constitutional Carry Law

The Florida governor running for president likes to tout how Florida passed “constitutional carry” legislation this year – under his watch. But a close examination of House Bill 543, and related laws that were unchanged, reveals that “constitutional carry” is illusory at best.

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Firearm handgun

Another “Good Guy with a Gun Kills a Bad Guy Committing Murder”

Once again, it’s a gun-free zone that someone decided was easy pickings in making himself a Celebrity in the eyes of Moms Demand Action and Everytown.  Stories say that while he did kill 3 people and wounded 2 others, the shooter had a long gun and several loaded magazines with him as he entered the … Read more

Data Point – How Many Constitutional Carry States Are There Now?

The number keeps rising and is now half the States in the Union as of March: 25.  Half the country now honors and respects the Second Amendment whose plain words put NO restrictions on the keeping and bearing of arms. Period: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the … Read more

A Small Victory for Liberty

In an opinion released this morning, the NH Supreme Court reversed an order of the Superior Court that had dismissed a suit brought against the Speaker of the NH House challenging the adoption of a rule that prohibited members of the House from carrying or possessing weapons anywhere in the Statehouse. The putative basis for … Read more

Grafton NH Police Chief Proposes 2A infringements

Grafton NH Police Chief Proposes 2A Restrictions

UPDATE 4:59 PM: Chief Poitras has clarified to the author that he is “not in support of the hypothetical [he] asked about and [he doesn’t] think it would be advantageous for the 2A.” He said that as a fellow gun owner, gun control is not his goal and he was simply reaching out to his … Read more

Permitless-Carry-Oklahoma-Image Breitbart AWR Hawkins

Gov. Signs Law Eliminating Concealed Carry Permits in Oklahoma

Oklahoma has joined the fraternity of states that see the second amendment as your concealed carry firearms permit. Governor Kevin Stitt signed the change into law, one we’ve been following for the past few weeks. Tulsa World reported that Stitt stated at the time of signing the legislation, “As I traveled all over the state to all 77 … Read more

Concealed carry gun woman

QuickShot: Permitless Carry Clears Oklahoma House

Two weeks ago we reported on Oklahoma’s HB2597 clearing a house committee. The bill would allow permitless carry in the state. Last Wednesday the bill cleared the State House and moved to the State Senate. A bill in the Oklahoma Legislature that would remove licensing and training requirements for handgun owners cleared the state’s House of Representatives on … Read more

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