Scary-Rifle Related Homicides Fell by 26% in the US From 2017 to 2018 - Granite Grok

Scary-Rifle Related Homicides Fell by 26% in the US From 2017 to 2018

AR-15 Woman gun store

Skip tweaked the latest FBI crime-statistics report here but there is more news and it is better for law-abiding gun owners and a tragic irony for Democrats.

When isolated by type of firearm, firearm violence fell the most in 2018 among the types of weapons that were demonized most in the media – rifles. Rifle homicides fell 26% from 403 to 297.

Rifles were a relatively unpopular method to commit homicide with, as they always have been historically. While they always are mentioned in the news when they’re used to kill multiple people at once, they compose a sliver of total murders. Knives and other cutting instruments killed over five times as many people, or 1,515. Blunt objects (such as clubs and hammers) killed 443, while fists killed 668.

The 2018 Report (which you can view here) is chock full of good news, none of it supporting the Left’s narratives about gun owners or violent crime in America.

Firearms ownership continues to rise. Concealed carry permit holder numbers continue to rise. And crime continues to fall. 

The only connection between law-abiding gun owners and violent crime is that the more of the former we have the fewer of the latter we get.


