Constitutional Carry Claims Almost Half of America Despite All That Money Bloomberg Spent

by Skip

Constitutional Carry is also called “permitless carry.” It means that instead of having to go to Daddy Government and get licensed or permitted by some agency in your state, you can carry a concealed firearm legally all on your own AS LONG AS you are not an otherwise prohibited person.

That’s to say, you haven’t screwed up and violated any local, State, or Federal law that would keep you from owning a firearm.

Former NYC Mayor Bloomberg has spent tens (if not hundreds) of millions of dollars on buying lobbyists and Astroturf groups around the nation like Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety – all for naught. If your State has Constitutional Carry, there’s little they can do now to keep you from “bearing arms.”

What has it earned him?  Twenty-Four States are now Constitutional Carry States – almost half as a few more states (this year) have joined the movement. Honoring the black and white letter of the Law of the Land, the Second Amendment, which does not have “common sense gun laws” included in its words.

Almost forever!:

  • Vermont – almost forever!


  • Alaska – 2003
  • Arizona


  • Wyoming


  • Maine
  • Kansas


  • West Virginia
  • Idaho
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri


  • New Hampshire – 2017
  • North Dakota – 2017


  • South Dakota
  • Oklahoma
  • Kentucky


  • Arkansas


  • Utah
  • Montana
  • Iowa
  • Tennessee
  • Texas


  • Alabama
  • Ohio
  • Indiana



(H/T: Ammoland)

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