wreath christmas Photo by Trey Musk on Unsplash

Go Smoke Your Woke

With Christmas just a few days away, the ‘woke brigade’ is working hard to ensure every little lib’s dreams come true. So let’s take a look at what their busy workshops have been doing lately…

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You Can Celebrate Christmas If You’re Vaccinated

Former President Joe Biden says you can celebrate Christmas but only if you’re vaccinated. If you’re not vaccinated then you pose a threat to those who are vaccinated, since being vaccinated doesn’t mean you can’t catch or spread Covid. Make sense yet? Jim Cramer wants to use the military to force you to get a covid shot (or two or three or ∞), even though being triple vaxxed didn’t stop him from catching covid.

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Glitter bomb 4.0

Palate Cleanser – Exploding Glitter Bomb V 4.0

by Skip

This has become an annual thing with me – Mark Rober’s  revenge on porch poachers. You know, those folks that decide that what’s yours is really theirs and grab your just delivered stuff from your property and then, with happy eyes, take it home. Then they make the mistake of taking full possession of your stuff by opening up the box.

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On this day…Christmas 1776

by Tom

My buddy Matt published this on Facebook today and, after seeing Steve’s earlier post, I thought it fitting to put up. Christmas Eve / Christmas Day History! George Washington led his troops across a 300-yard stretch of the Delaware River in the dead of night between December 25 and 26, 1776.  The surprise move would … Read more

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