Durham New Hamshire’s #Woke Christmas Story Just Keeps Getting Worse

Durham, New Hampshire, is cursed with the main University of New Hampshire Campus. The physical campus is not the problem; the army of #woke white tower idoits who have poisoned the cultural well in the surrounding communities, with December Holidays the hit hardest.

Related: Have Durham, New Hampshire’s Campus Culture Mullahs Solved the Problem of Christmas?

Durham’s #woke Christmas Story is about as well documented on our pages as anywhere. A never-ending pile of snowflakes pandering to other snowflakes. Each looking for the fastest way to reduce the most important religious holiday season on the planet back into Saturnalia with Christmas as the sacrifice but with none of the free speech associated with the Roman version.

It started years ago with the post-modern-secularists gaining momentum in 2018 when the Human Rights Commission called for an end to the traditional tree lighting ceremony. Not inclusive enough and all that.

A year later, the ‘experts’ declared that the town’s holiday festivities would hence-forth be referred to as Frost Fest. No, not in honor of radical-wing-nut Sherry Frost, but becasue it was usually cold and, well, frosty.

That got national attention and the heaps of abuse it deserved, but the #woke minions never sleep, and even in a year like 2020, December is a problem that keeps coming around.

This year, 2020, the Tree lighting ceremony is being mothballed. Why? Not everyone celebrates lighting trees in public, I suppose. And since we’re all in this together™, nothing is allowed on town land that anyone else decides does not include them.

Wearing masks, distancing, suffering politicians, random acts of tyranny are all good. But gathering in masked, distanced groups, or remotely to watch someone plug in some lights on a tree, not so much.

It seems an annual holiday tradition from Durham, New Hampshire is most likely going to be called off this year, after the state announced that they are currently working on a few changes for this year’s Christmas celebration, in an effort to remove any religious overtones during the holidays.

Previously called the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, the newly named Frost Fest will now be missing the usual annual activity of lighting the Christmas tree, as well as the yearly arrival of Santa Claus in a town fire truck – an activity the Durham children will miss this year.

Someone complained. Sure. What if a few thousand folks complained about the complainer wrecking their holiday buzz? Sorry but that’s not how democracy works from the left.

And they canceled Santa, too, which makes very little sense. Democrat dogma preaches that white guys need to give free stuff to whoever they say. Santa seems like he’d be a keeper, but no. Probably a super-spreader Claus, or something.

Next year it will be something else and on and on until December is about shopping, but no one has the slightest idea why. While the one remaining thing they want most desperately to fix confounds them.

Snow is white, and that’s racist.

Global Warming would fix that (and kill the Rona), but they are against that too.

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