Thanksgiving is over – now you may begin!

by Skip

For decades, I have never allowed TMEW to start in on Christmas until AFTER Thanksgiving Day is over.  I’ve been known to walk into a store to get something on my “current shopping list” only to walk right out when I saw Christmas sales – in October.  Not gonna do it. Now you may proceed; … Read more

Merry Hanukwanzmas

Happy Christmakwanzukkah?  How about Yule or Saturnalia?  Whatever your winter solstice holiday poison may be you can bet your nativity sceneEstablishment Clause and his eight tiny ACLU reindeer that the real winners will be the secular humanists and the flying monkey Lawyer-politicians that pull their empty sleigh; craven acolytes of the void, committed to pressuring anyone who does not agree with them until they submit.

You can’t celebrate Christmas because it offends me!  If government permits this is has violated my rights! 

It makes you want to say ‘Merry Christmas.”  Merry Christmas!


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The True Meaning Of Christmas

Starting in 2011, public sector workers will no longer get days off related to any religious holiday, nor will they receive any compensation for these days unless they actually work. If as the liberals and secularists suggest, that we can’t have any God in government, then no one in government should get a paid day off as a result.

Just Throwing This Out There…

The House Democrats have balked at a bi-partisan deal that while not perfect, is an actual compromise, and would end a good deal of the uncertainty about tax increases (that is stagnating the economy) by ensuring that for the most part, there are almost none. (The estate tax survives)

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