Heck, I’m still waiting for her to fulfill her promise that she made to me during her first time in Congress – so why am I not surprised? After all, back in 2008 she told a Republican woman, a member of one of NH’s “main Republican families”, to her face that “You are not my constituent” because of her party affiliation (even though she lived in Carol SEIU-Porter’s district). Well, another loyal reader has had a run in with Carol Shea-Porter’s cubicle minions – here is the sordid tale of trying to get a simple answer to a simple question on drones:
So, last week, I made a few phone calls to our “representatives” in DC. My concern was the possibility of drone strikes on any America citizen deemed a “terrorist” ON American soil. Well, as you well know, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, many of the Tea Party affiliated folks are considered “terrorists.” Shocking? You bet! But fact. Anyhow, I called Kelly’s office and was assured she would not be supporting anything such as this act which could strike someone without due process, no trial, no defense … etc. I called Sen. Shaheen’s office and spoke to a nice young woman who said that she would give my thoughts to the Senator. (Sorry, I actually did get the names of the people I spoke to at the Senators’ offices, but I have misplaced that note at this point.) Then I called Ms. Shea-Porter’s office, where I was confronted with a less-than-cordial young woman staffer. When I told her that I wanted to know where Ms. S-P stood on the drone strike on American soil issue, the girl acted as though she knew nothing about it. I asked her to ask the Congresswoman please stand up for the Constitution, and support our rights, since this arbitrary way of using drones on American soil on American people was a complete contradiction of our Constitutional rights to a fair trial and due process. She started laughing. I was outraged. I hung up.
Below is the letter I received today in answer to my phone call.

Anwar Al-Awlaki????? Really???? A form letter? Oh goody. If it’s not her sending them, it’s Jeanne Shaheen. How very personal. And my name is misspelled. This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what I called for. Argh. To deal with this situation for another 2 years!
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