Carol Shea-Porter (Sheep-Porter, SEIU-Porter, Shea-Pelosi, Clown-Porter, etc), whose claim to fame is that she could have voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time had she not missed 2% of the votes, is dutifully regurgitating the party line in New Hampshire in her 2012 effort to earn another two year-long conjugal visit with your wallet–She is running to save New Hampshire from the Tea Party.
One really big problem with that though… while The TEA Party rose up when the Democrat spending binge began, their real claim to fame is opposing ObamaCare. Oh, and driving a national movement that kicked Carol Shea- Porters ObamaCare supporting, tax and spend, backside back to Rochester New Hampshire where it should stay.
Carol voted for and still supports Obama Care. The TEA party and a majority of Americans opposed ObamaCare and still do. So the answer to the question of which is better for New Hampshire is simple.
Carol want’s state managed delivery of care, along with the economy crushing fees, fines, boards, bureaucrats, rules, limitations, extra IRS agents, and the largest tax hike driven entitlement in US history. The Tea Party Republicans want to open up the health insurance market, and let more providers in to compete for your business so you can choose the plans, options, and pricing that are right for you, you and your employer, you and your family, you and your small business,or even you and your physician.
Which of these sounds more like ‘New Hampshire’ to you?
(Bye Carol)