EPPING: Dem Candidate ‘Opens Office’ for $100/year NH House Seat

Something really strange flew across the Twitterverse yesterday. A candidate running in a special election in Epping for state representative actually opened an ‘office.’

If you don’t know anything about New Hampshire politics, this many not seem odd to you but if you DO know anything about New Hampshire politics, you know just how ODD this really is. Most reps use their kitchen or dining room tables as their ‘office,’ they do not have money to spend on opening one.

Ever heard of Naomi Andrews? Most likely not. She was Carol Shea-Porter’s former chief of staff who has been working and living in D.C. for the past decade. It’s unclear if she’s done anything locally in Epping or New Hampshire other than run for office.

Last election she ran in the primary for Shea-Porter’s congressional seat but lost to Chris Pappas.

Even after her loss to Pappas, she was in D.C. working for Democrats, she wasn’t in New Hampshire.

Now Andrews is back and has decided she wants to run to represent the people of Epping, New Hampshire and is running in a special election for the NH House.

At her ‘office’ opening, presidential candidate and former housing secretary under Barack Obama, Julian Castro, was present as was Carol Shea-Porter, the former U.S. Congressional Representative to Epping who stopped holding actual town halls after telling her constituents she didn’t vote how they wanted, that she voted with Obama.

This is when Andrews worked for her:


Shea-Porter lives on Rochester, apparently she’s also campaigning with Andrews in Epping:

It’s unclear if Andrews is actually a resident of Epping or is using her parents’ address. According to her LinkedIn account, she’s been in the Washington D.C. area since 2008.

It IS really strange that someone who has never been involved in local politics and who has spent most of her career in the the D.C. swamp, suddenly wants to ‘represent’ the voters of Epping isn’t it?

The Republican primary is being held today. The general election will be held October 8th.

Stay tuned…



  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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