More Bad News for DEI

The University of Michigan Board of Regents has expressed concern over how, to borrow a term, safe and effective its DEI program has been. Much like the pharmacological “answer” to the Wuhan flu, the investment in betterment promised by the flying Diversity and Inclusion monkeys is not living up to its glossy tri-fold pamphlet promises. … Read more

The Crisis of Liberal Education

The degradation of liberal education in America is anything but a niche public-policy concern. Like all rights-protecting democracies – and especially as a 21st-century great power with globe-spanning interests – the United States requires a host of highly-trained individuals to keep its government functioning, military operating, economy churning, and civil society thriving. Essential men and … Read more


Pass The DEI Test, Or Else

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (sometimes belonging) are surprisingly stupid ideas. You’d have to be an idiot to think it is about the unification of demographically different people. Even the most optimistic among us, when seeing DEI in practice, can honestly accept that its goals are anything but what it pretends. Case in point. In a … Read more

black lives matter violence

So, If Violence Is Acceptable to Stop Campus Speech …

It has always been the purview of campus critters to engage in violence to silence speech they’d rather not hear. This is an odd view because, in truth, it is to stop speech they don’t want anyone else to hear. As a conscientious objector, they could stay home and play video games or watch reality … Read more

If Speech is Violence, What is Silence, Again?

With few exceptions, college campuses are America’s least intellectually diverse places. If not for the federal takeover of student loans, which has laundered billions into the hands of progressive experts, that might matter, as they feel the same pinch as local print-news media—another vestigial cultural affectation we no longer need. You can get news – … Read more

Israel Israeli Flag Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

Relativism Versus Reality: Ralph Peters and Endless War

Since 1968, when my essay “The Crisis of Our Times” appeared in the Congressional Record, I have written several books warning of the pernicious and subversive influence of the university-bred doctrine of moral and cultural relativism.

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Justine Murray

The Proper Response to “I’m Offended” is…

The use of “I’m offended,” like much of the Left’s linguistic machinations, is meant to shut you and the conversation. The “Uber” of silencing in which the responsibility of how someone “feels” is up to me and I have to protect them.

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#MeToo vending machine Yale

Bad News for College Boys Under Biden

Remember when a “study” claimed that one in five college girls was raped? It was total BS, but it positioned the Obama Administration to produce guidance for colleges to address the plague of sexual assaults on campus. The result has been a series of high profile lynchings without due process.

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If You Do Nothing You Can Kiss This Freedom Goodbye!

As we move toward November and the opportunity to choose the same or new representatives, there is a simple means by which to determine for whom you should vote. We may not all agree on the government’s role, but all of us should agree it is not to suppress free speech or block open debate.

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Yo!, Dumbass – If You Cancel the Police You Can’t Call Them When People Won’t Wear Masks

Liberal college campuses are demanding that the police, including the campus police, be defunded, disbanded, canceled. At the same time, at other colleges, people are calling “the police” on the Students who are not masking or distancing properly.

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Open Letter on the Cancel Culture: 150 Ruling Class Elites Worry The Monster They Created Will Eat Them

The left’s campus womb produces an army of useful idiots (UI) annually. UI is what the Commies call Americans who help the cause and don’t know it. Many of them are more useful and less idiot. The educated elite who feel confident they’ve got it all right until their offspring try to eat them.

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Racists at SUNY Binghamton?

Students from Young America’s Foundation tabled at Southern University of New York in Binghamton this week. At least until they were run off campus by racists at SUNY Binghamton. No, the students tabling were not of a minority. They were white. Surrounded by mostly minority students screaming to “pack this s*** up, it’s time to … Read more

Emoji sad crying

The Left Needs More Crying Rooms and Safe Spaces to Vent Their Toddler-Like Rage.

Republicans and Conservatives trapped on #woke college campuses need to stay in the closet. Why? Well, they are no longer allowed to say they’ve come out of the closet. By which they mean, presenting their true political selves in a vitriolic left-wing controlled environment.

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“Microinsults,” “Microinvalidations,” and “Microassaults”

It is now the job of American universities to make it as difficult as possible for higher functioning mammals to communicate. Even coexist. Welcome to Snowflake 401.

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man crying

Antonio Brown, Victim-hood, Safe Spaces, Snowflakes, and Why Culture Matters

Even if you ignore the NFL, you’ve probably heard. Former Steelers Wide Receiver Antonio Brown (AB), briefly with the Raiders, has a new job with the Patriots. Brown’s fatal flaw? Antonio Brown. Which begs the question will he be a campus hooligan or get in line?

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Speech free speech diversity

Texas Strikes a Blow to “Free” Speech From the Chains of the Campus Culture

Speech codes, hate speech, compelled speech (preferred pronouns), free speech zones, are all tools the left uses to control the language. College Campuses are ground zero for this nonsense, but Texas isn’t having it.

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The Liberal Utopia is Incompatible With Intellectual Diversity

Boston University student Diana Soriano suggested to her peers that the classroom could benefit from more intellectual diversity. Most classrooms would. So, how was her suggestion received? She was compared to a well-known student who had been labeled a neo-nazi.

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Another Female Student Who Cried Rape Charged for False Accusation

A few years ago the Obama administration decided to make rape political. It issued guidance suggesting 1 in 5 women in college were being sexually assaulted. It had nothing to do with sexual assault. Democrats could care less about women, even the ones who vote for them.

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For $100.00 Name A Time Conservatives Tried to Shut Down a Liberal Speaker…

As the Left try to contradict the Mob narrative being used to describe them and their tactics, what better time than now for Campus Reform to make the point stick. In the past year, dozens of speakers on college campuses around the country have been shut down as a result of violence, protests, and intimidation. … Read more

How Do You Begin To Change Campus Culture

Kevin Kervick joined us for two segments to talk about a culture that forces people with more conservative views to remain silent – to stay, “in the closet.” He explains what he is doing to open up the debate in the classroom and to let in some light from the right, so to speak. This … Read more

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