Bad News for College Boys Under Biden

Remember when a “study” claimed that one in five college girls was raped? It was total BS, but it positioned the Obama Administration to produce guidance for colleges to address the plague of sexual assaults on campus. The result has been a series of high profile lynchings without due process.

Related: If rape is so endemic on college campuses, why is something missing?

Rape is real, and it’s horrible. But this is something else. The hookup culture, encouraged by the left, meets university star chambers. Women are encouraged to go get that orgasm but could decide later if that was rape. Men who were guilty of nothing more than accepting advances might have a career or future ruined and find themselves run out of college, sometimes into legal offices that took these schools to court.


Aggrieved young men have filed more than 600 lawsuits against their colleges, and so far, nearly half have resulted in rulings in their favor. What is going on? Under President Barack Obama and Vice President Biden, the Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Education weaponized Title IX, the 1972 law that forbids sex discrimination in education.


The Obama administration created a problem, suggested a solution that created another problem, and absolved themselves of any responsibility for the monster they created.


The Office for Civil Rights bypassed legislative and even regulatory channels to issue a “dear colleague” advisory letter to college presidents threatening their access to federal funding if they failed to implement radical changes in the way campuses respond to reports of sexual assault. The “dear colleague” rules brushed aside nearly all due process protections and lowered the standard of evidence for a guilty finding to a derisory level. Title IX became a synonym for “guilty if accused.” Think of it as the recipe for the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.


Donald Trump and Besty DeVos instituted actual regulations requiring due process, but as reported by Teresa Manning at The Federalist, Title IX commissions on college campuses are comprised almost entirely of white-tower feminists.


“Dear colleague” required colleges to invest Title IX officers with broad powers with virtually no oversight, leading to today’s lack of due process. These officers have often run roughshod over their campuses, as in the famous Laura Kipnis affair at Northwestern University, in which a professor was charged with “sexual harassment” for publishing an essay that criticized the excesses of Title IX.


Does this sound familiar? Picture female New Hampshire legislators, all Democrats, insisting that sharing their voting records or offering an opinion on their public comments is doxxing. Then writing a bill that would permit them to take us to court for it if they decided they felt threatened. That common thread runs through every tyranny and is on full display among American Democrats. And Joe Biden is promising to return us to those days if elected.

To Quote Manning, Biden has promised to quickly snuff out these new rules if he is elected. That means removing any due process protections for the accused. So girls will still be told to embrace the hookup culture while the boys will never know if they’ll end up on the hook. And actual rape could get lost somewhere in the noise, and that would be a real tragedy.

Get used to that. Under Biden or Harris, due process will be one of those things invented by old white racists that need to go away.

In other words, vote Trump!

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