Where Do White Marxists Get Off?

Where Do White Marxists Get Off?

Where do white Marxists get off? Really, who died and left the Marxists in charge of telling black people how they should think? It really is starting to look like the Democrat plantation is rising again. All you colored folks just sit down in the back of the bus. We’ll tell you what you need … Read more

Passionate and Clueless

Youthful Idiots and the Illusory Truth Effect

Watching the news coverage of the ongoing riots, I couldn’t help notice a couple of things.  First, was the anger, the feral vitriol directed at the police on the scene.  It was apparent in the faces and the actions of the rioters and in the signs scattered about, hateful signs like, “Blue Lives Murder,” and “Good Cops Are Dead Cops.”

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Down on the Plantation

Down on the Plantation

Was Biden’s gaffe of the week a down on the plantation threat? This week we heard Uncle Joe Biden’s comment, “… You ain’t black if you’re not votin’ fer me…” Was this a reflection of more than Biden personally? Was this another forgivable Bidenism or was it something else?

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